Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Monday, December 20, 2021

2022 To-Do List Extravaganza!

Another year.  Another hard look at what I planned for the year -- and another hard look at what I actually accomplished in the year.

As is the norm, I'll look at last year's list, discuss what did (and didn't) get completed, and then an adt'l section of what other projects found work and/or completion, but which were NOT part of the initial to-do list.

And then -- it's onto the big list for the coming year.  What do I expect/hope to get done in 2022!

So, here goes:  Last year's list:

 1) Finish Bear. Putting all of this in one number.  This will include the usual multiple drafts, reading prep, reading, protection w/ the WGA, reader's notes and festival entries.  I think I've got about 30 pages done on this, so a solid start!

How did it go?  Not so much as a looky-loo on this project.  Nothing.  Nada.  Zilch.  A big ol' FAIL on this baby!  Sigh.  Plans to try to get some work (completion?) in on this script in the new year.

2) Finish A Stench in the Nostrils of God.  Same thing here: multiple drafts, notes, protection, reading, festival entries, etc.

How did it go?  While I did actually do a good deal of work on this, I was unable to even get a 1st draft of the script completed.  Thus, "done" doesn't apply here.  No drafts, no festivals, etc.  FAIL.  However, I do have this on my plate for the last days in the year, hoping to at least get that first draft thrown into the "done" pile.  I mean, I have about 106 pages done on the thing, so it's gotta be close, right?  Definitely will find completion in the new year!

3) Finish a first draft of Island Hunters.  I don't expect to get beyond that point, but a first draft of a novel would be a massive writing milestone.  I think it's totally do-able over the next 52 weeks!

How did it go?  Nope.  While I didn't make any headway (did I even open this file?), I did start work on a different novel this year (more on that below).  FAIL.

4) Finish a first draft of Say Uncle!  I like this idea, but with all of the other major projects, I figure this will take a back-seat at some point.  So if I can at least finish a first draft, that's a great start!

How did it go?  Nothing.  Nada.  No work here.  Not sure if this will end up being one of those fun ideas which never sees the light of day.  FAIL.

5) Finish ESP.  If Scott and I can get our schedules aligned, I want to put this one to bed.  It's a great idea, but we've gotta commit to push ahead.  So this is multiple drafts, reading/notes, etc.  Not sure of festival entries, so I'll just put up tabs for five of those!

How did it go?  While this is nowhere near completion, there was some work on this piece, and it's blossomed from a feature script idea, to a series script idea.  I hope to see some more development/work on this in 2022, but with so little done this year, not sure if this one will be shelved for a bit.  FAIL.

6) Immolation Pre-production, shoot, post-production and potential festival entries on this short film I wrote.  I'll be directing/starring/producing.  Make it work!

How did it go?  While the film is now officially in post-production, it's not "done" per se.  But all of the planning, the shooting and (already) three cuts of the film itself are done -- I didn't quite reach this milestone, as far as finishing and submitting.  So technically a FAIL, I'm counting this as a WIN!  Will definitely see a lot of work (and completion) on this in the new year!  :)

7) Finish / Post-Production on Chair.  Since this was shot in the summer of 2020, and I've taken my sweet time to edit, etc. in post, this carries over to 2021!  Potential festival entries?  Depends on the finished quality, of course!

How did it go?  Nothing.  Sigh.  I am not sure how I will move forward with this project, but 2021 saw nothing moving ahead.  While this is a FAIL, I still will see how this could find completion.

8) Finish first draft of Scratcher.  This has been and will continue to be a daunting task.  With no work done on this in 2020, asking a lot to make this big milestone, but you never know!

How did it go?  Nothing done on this.  Again, plenty of work on a new novel idea, which took time away from this unfinished one.  This might take a backseat in the new year as well, as the new novel seems to be the most reasonable to finish in 2022.  FAIL.

9) Unexpected Screenplay.  As I've been doing over the past few years, setting aside a non-descript "unexpected screenplay", since ideas come out of nowhere, and can't be foreseen at press.  So the usual drafts. reading, protection, festivals, etc.

How did it go?  Yay!  I got one!  My hubby and I moved down the hall in our same building, in the first half of the new year.  And we ended up meeting and connecting with some awesome folks on the other side of the building (even after having lived on the same floor for years).  My new buddy (and writing partner) and I teamed up and wrote a new feature script entitled, Mariposa County.  We've finished it, had a table read and now there are rumblings that it may move ahead into production in the new year.  Yay!  On top of all of this, it's quite a departure from my usual horror fare.  It's a small town trans female romance.  Who'd-a-thunk it?  More on this as 2022 begins, but for now -- DONE!

10) Boys I will continue to submit this piece to festivals, and will begin work in a "soft" pre-production... shot lists and the like.  I'll fill out this list as I make up this year's tabs.  Lots of things that can be done on this project, before we "for real" move ahead to make it!  Multiple tabs.

How did it go?  While I didn't actually begin work on any shot list or other pre-production stuff, I did submit to several more festivals, did quite well -- the tops being a Top Five Finalist at Screamfest -- and have gotten some inquiries from filmmakers to read it.  So I'm gonna count this as a DONE.  I expect more on this script (as far as getting it ready to make!) in 2022.

11) Finish Hired Gig #1.  This is the script I mentioned above (a hired gig which came to me in the second half of 2020).  Plan to complete this with intentions to submit to production companies for consideration.  Multiple tabs.

How did it go?  DONE.  I completed my contract, the film was shot in August and is now in post-production.  I've no details (not that I could share anyway), but stay tuned in the new year for announcements on this.  Very exciting!  :)

12) Finish You Can Never Go Home.  This will be the usual multiple drafts, reading, protection, etc.  Won't plan to submit this to festivals, as the intent is to produce it with Hank and Arielle.  Multiple tabs.

How did it go?  Nothing done on this.  FAIL.

13) Finish the Hired Piece #2.  Plans to complete this other hired gig.  To keep it purposely vague, will put this down for 4 total steps/tabs.  Four tabs.

How did it go?  Nothing happened on this piece.  Awaiting further instructions.  FAIL.

14) Three Acting Gigs.  As in previous years, will hope to have a few acting gigs fall into my lap.  Goodness knows I'm not seeking them out via auditions!  Three tabs.

How did it go?  Not too shabby, but not quite up to 3 acting gigs.  Did some VO work for a friend's new feature and was cast (with only six days before production began) on another friend's feature film... IN THE LEAD ROLE.  No biggie!  An immense challenge, but ultimately very rewarding.  Blood Covered Chocolate should be released in the new year.  So with some great happenings in the acting world, but only two of the three "wanted" above, this has to be marked as a FAIL.  

15) Three KSC Gigs.  Hoping to again drum up some business for my screenplay consulting business.  Will work toward three paid gigs on that front!  Three tabs.

How did it go?  Only one good consultation landed in my lap.  So while that's been fun (and is still in the works), this is a FAIL.

16) COVID Vaccine.  Not work related, but gonna put this on the list!  A wonderful milestone, right?  One tab.

How did it go?  Well, with two shots and a booster for a third -- this is DONE.

17) Read 12 Books.  Gonna shoot for this again, since it's only 1 book/month for goodness sakes.  Hoping to really focus on Stephen King and filling in those gaps!  Twelve tabs.

How did it go?  Terribly.  A big, giant pile of FAIL.  Not sure what the block was this year, but I didn't read ONE BOOK.  Started one and couldn't even finish that.  Weird.  Hoping to get back on this horse in the new year!

18) Mom Died I'm not sure how/where this will go in 2021, but gonna put 3 tabs up on the board, as "Step One", etc... keeping it vague.  I figure there will be work on this in the new year, but not sure on specifics.  Three tabs.

How did it go?  FAIL.  Nothing happened on this script.  Holding hope that someone will pick it up, but for now -- archiving this baby.  :)

19) First Draft of The House Up the Street.  This is a big ask of myself, but putting together and self-publishing a collection of my short stories (from age 10 and up) is a long-standing dream I'd like to accomplish.  No time like the present, right?  And I've found a website where doing this in chunks is possible, making it more feasible to handle a few stories a day.  Multiple tabs - making it 10 tabs of 10 stories each.  One helluva start if I can get 100 pieces committed to the computer!

How did it go?  This is a toughy to properly classify.  While I did take all of the tabs down, thus having typed in 100 stories, there is no first draft of the book as a whole.  So I'll play this as a DONE/FAIL hybrid.  Hopefully more on this in 2022.

20) First Draft of ULIFTB.  A book idea I've had for some time, I reached out to a dear friend and writing colleague to potentially work on it with me.  She agreed, so we're gonna move ahead on it in 2021!

How did it go?  Didn't do anything on this book idea.  HOWEVER, I did team up w/ my long-time pal and fellow writer, Libby -- to create a feature screenplay w/ this concept at its core.  We've had some great brainstorming sessions throughout 2021, and plenty of solid ideas, but no draft was completed.  Definitely hitting on this in 2022.  FAIL.

ADDITION AFTER INITIAL POSTING:  21) Record Video Pitches.  I recorded several video pitches in 2020, for my spec scripts, and so I will continue to mark those off of my list, including some expected completed scripts in 2021.  So that's 6 total in the new year (4 completed scripts and 2 new ones!) So 6 tabs for this group of tasks.

How did it go?  Got several more done, but not all of them.  Plan to finish these in 2022.  So I'll label this as another DONE/FAIL hybrid.

ADDITION AFTER INITIAL POSTING: 22) Video Profile Shoot.  I joined ISA (an online screenwriting community) and will be shooting/posting a video profile in the new year as well.  One tab for that!

How did it go?  FAIL.  Didn't get this done.  But look for it in 2022!

And there you have it.  The list.  That's 16 FAILS, 2 DONE/FAILS and if my math is correct, 4 thrown into the DONE pile.  Sheesh.

However, also done this year -- almost 40k works have been written on my new novel idea, currently titled "What the House Saw".

Also, my hubby and I moved in the end of April, completely painting our new apartment, decorating, and doing all of the things which happen in any move.  May sound like something of an "excuse", but it's legit, so that took a good chunk of time in the late spring/early summer.

Also, not that I've done any work on them, but I've been tapped for two potential feature scripts -- perhaps more of that in the new year.  Fingers crossed!

And with this wrap-up (not a great one, mind you), it's time to look forward to 2022, and figure out what in the heck I'm gonna work on and hopefully complete!  Here we go!


1) A Stench in the Nostrils of God Feature screenplay.  1st-5th (approximately that many) drafts, reader's notes, table reading, contest entries, etc.  So let's say about 15 tabs or so.

2) Unexpected Feature Screenplay:  As is now the norm, I'll plan for some random script idea to pop up and take priority over everything else.  So the usual here -- multiple drafts, festivals (maybe) and reading/readers.  Looking at about 15 tabs.

3) Finish Immolation:  complete post (cuts/coloring/score, etc.) and then it's off to festivals.  So this should be about 15 tabs -- give or take.

4) First draft of "What the House Saw":  If I can get beyond a first draft of my first novel, great -- but bottom line, that first pass will be complete by year's end.  No question!

5) ULIFTB completed:  My feature script with Libby -- to be done by year's end.  Usual multiple steps, drafts/reading/readers, etc.  So figure about 15 tabs for the board.

6) Three Acting Gigs:  Holding out hope for other fun things to cross my path.  Three tabs.

7) Three KSC Gigs:  Always looking for and hoping for adt'l business to come my way in the new year.  Three tabs.

8) Bear completed:  Looking to get this one done in 2022 as well.  Usual tabs, drafts/reading/readers, etc.  15 tabs (approximately)

9) House up the Street first draft:  It's do-able, but gotta really hunker down to make it happen.  Gonna do what I did last year, put up tabs for 10-story increments... but instead of 100 stories, gonna shoot for 150 (so 15 tabs).  That should bring me pretty darned close to having everything typed in and ready to edit!  :)

10) Read 10 books:  Since I failed so miserably at being a well-read individual this year, gonna bring it back down to 10, rather than 12 books.  Will that make a difference?  Who the heck knows!  10 tabs.

11) New headshots:  It's been a good long while since I've had new shots, so putting this on the list for 2022.

12) New glasses/prescription:  Okay, so not work-related, but a must.  My glasses/lenses are at least 100 years old!

13) Dental Update:  Haven't been to the dentist in a good long while (embarrassingly long time ago!), so putting this on the list.  Again, not work related (unless I'm looking at better/healthier teeth for acting gigs, right?)

14) Diabetes Control:  Another non-work item for the list, but it will require work.  I was diagnosed w/ diabetes over a decade ago, and it's been off and on, well-controlled and not so well-controlled.  This coming year, I control it for good.  No more games.  I've been exercising daily for 3.5 years and that's now part of my daily DNA, but my diet has always been terrible.  Time to change that.  I ain't getting any younger.

15) Top 100 Fave Movies:  About 8 years ago, I made my Top 40 All Time Fave Movie list.  It's time to reevaluate, and expand.  I plan to rank my top 100 favorite films, using my already existing top 40 list as a starting point.  I then want to record the announcements/countdown for my YouTube page, 10 episodes w/ 10 reveals per episode.  So this will end up being a dozen or so tabs for the board.

16) Feature Script Synopses:  This is something I've realized over the last year, that I desperately need.  So with 14 completed feature scripts under my belt, I need to get some brief synopses (1k words approx.) completed, for things like the ISA site (which most "gigs" require, before you can submit).  So this is 14 tabs -- or perhaps more, once these other scripts on the list are completed!

17) Mariposa County:  This script I co-wrote and completed in 2021 -- as mentioned above, may move into production in 2022.  I've no idea how I'll be involved, but going to make 5 tabs (that feels right) for things I'll accomplish w/ this piece in the new year.  "Vague Mariposa Step #1" and so on...

18) ESP:  I'm gonna throw this back into the pile.  Fingers crossed that something will come to fruition here.  Since Scott (partner on this one) and I have begun to outline an 8-episode arc, I will put up tabs for the completed ESP pilot, and then 7 fleshed-out episode bibles for the remaining portions of the season.  So with those, obviously 8 tabs, but with multiple drafts for the pilot, let's say -- 15 tabs?

19 / 20) Hired Writing Gig #1 and Hired Writing Gig #2:  Two potential hired writing gigs (mentioned above) made themselves known to me this year, but nothing has been set in stone.  So, I'll put up a few "Vague Hired Gig Step #1" tabs -- and so on, just to accommodate these possible projects in 2022, and if those don't happen, them I'm set up for others which might present themselves!  Positivity reigns supreme!

21) Complete Video Pitches:  I've so enjoyed doing these, I will finish up scripts already done, and plan to record pitches for any new scripts in 2022.  Also, my ISA video pitch (pitching myself).  So 10 or so tabs here?

22) Passport renewed:  Self-explanatory!

And there you have it!  My big list for the coming year!  Hopefully all of these tasks/projects will be completed as scheduled, and hopefully many more unforeseen things will be thrown into the "done" pile too!

Happy (almost) 2022, my avid readers of 0!  ;)

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