Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Edited for Television

Why? There are so many films that should never be broadcast on regular cable. What is the point when it has to be altered so drastically? Don't bother. This weekend, Sci-Fi Channel aired my favorite, Day of the Dead. This movie is full of gore, violence, racism and nasty language. I cannot even fathom what goes through the minds of the programmers when choosing a film like this. Since I know this particular film's every angle, music cue and line of dialogue, it is extremely distracting to view in its slashed form. One might ask, "Why not just put the DVD/video in, and watch it as it was meant to be?" I am a glutton for punishment. It is the same situation for a much loved song/recording artist. I can listen to them @ home, one song over and over if I choose, but if they are playing on the radio, then the dial cannot be changed. Is it the fact that thousands of other people are watching/listening to my very favorite @ the same exact time as I am? Who knows. But programmers, do us a favor. Get better (and more) actors to perform the dubbing services. Every male character that cursed in the Day of the Dead viewing this weekend, was dubbed by the same actor. Just keep in mind, this could be the first time some youngster is taking a shot on this particular film. What will they walk away with? Dumbed down dialogue, characters with multiple personalities, and a film that falls well short of the impact it was meant to have. For shame.

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a little bit 'bout klugula...

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Hollywood, California, United States
I like zombies...A LOT.

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