Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Items of Interest

Madge is about a week away. I forgot, but now I'm starting to get excited. Last time out, we were in the second row. It was amazing. We could see the gap in her teeth. The other half even got eye contact (damn him!), but this show, we'll be a bit further away. I don't think this is all bad, cuz her shows are usually pretty large and full of spectacle. This will give us a chance to see it all unfold, rather than the sweat on her brow (which I would probably choose if I could). I'm rationalizing a bit here. Hell, we're going, so who cares where we are! I still love ya, Madge!

Found a tidbit in Entertainment Weekly. Just another piece to show how dumb most of the general public truly is.
From "Ask the Critic". Some dumbass asks Lisa Schwarzbaum, "Does the genre of a movie influence your ratings? For instance, I would personally give all horror movies an F."
The critic goes on to say that quality is possible in any genre, and that she looks for originality, etc. C'mon question-asker! Gimme a break. You're asking about a matter of taste, not a matter of quality. I hate stupid people!

Kathy Griffin's second season of My Life on the D-List, begins tomorrow. Watch it. You'll fall in love with her. It's on Bravo! Tomorrow, check your listings. Do it, damn you! Do it!

I am so, so tired of the gay marriage debate. It seems pointless to keep fighting it. Eventually, it'll be okay, just like women's rights, black rights, etc. These things are still issues, but they've become less of a hot topic and have gradually become commonplace, acceptable, OKAY! Why waste any more time, energy and money, when us gays will eventually have full rights like everyone else? It's inevitable. I'm sure I've already commented on this, but now it's all over the news again. The other half told me that Dubya doesn't even have the support on this from Cheney, or even from his wife. Get a clue. You are an idiot. Move on to more important subjects, like getting our soldiers out of Iraq, or the prescription drug issue, social security. Anything!

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Hollywood, California, United States
I like zombies...A LOT.

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