Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

It's Official...and Other Tids of Bit

Well, sort of. Friend Denise (whom I worked closely with while at my last job...a gem of a gal) was over today. The other half and I signed the papers to list our condo on the open market. It will be put up on Monday; and I will then at that time, contact our lender and put that portion into motion. I feel genuine movement after today's meeting; and real hope that the other half and I can start over with many things when we (sadly) leave Chicago behind. Again, we're not in some crazy, desperate state; just recognizing and accepting the rumblings (getting louder everyday) of imminent life changes. It feels good, scary and strange.

Still searching/applying for various jobs. Nothing yet.

I don't know how to proceed on sound and visual hurdles for French Toast. My question, for all who read this (two of you...perhaps three...hey, I'm an optimist); is it wise to post a notice on Craig's List to find someone to complete sound and a few visual effects for the film; or do I simply do the best I can on my own, and call it a day...simply wait for the score to be completed? Will I find anyone anyway, since I can't afford to pay anyone; other than in "the experience"? I feel quite helpless. I was able to "fake it" while shooting the film and while editing the film...considering my lack of experience. Can I make it work (thank you Tim Gunn) with the remaining elements. Sure, they won't be super great or even barely passable, but can I get by? Shit, it's frustrating, not to mention the fact that I'm unmotivated to find a glimmer of completion. Is this just another block that all creative folks find; whether writing, building a website or the like? Jiminy Crickets!

Did anyone watch Oprah this morning? I believe this was the show the other half and I were to be possibly considered for. Suze Orman is my new hero. Tell it like it is girl! I know Suze told the audience (at home and in the studio) to not judge the first woman on the panel, but how could you not? Here's a quick rundown of the woman's story. She's completely in debt, spending money behind her husband's back. She doesn't work. She and her husband owe over 135k in credit debt. She has 6 children and they don't have health insurance (or dental for that matter; one child's teeth are rotting!); cuz good ol' mom overspends and runs up the credit cards. She has her nails and hair done weekly. She buys "stuff" just for the rush. She spends over 300 bucks/month on Starbucks. The most pathetic bit of her story? One of her children has a tumor behind her eye; that must be given attention; in the form of an MRI; annually. Cuz of saintly mom and her "problem", this daughter has not had her checkup in 2 1/2 years. Once again, pardon my language, but are you fucking kidding me? I literally wanted to reach into the TV and shake some sense into this woman. I know I'm not a genius when it comes to money handling, but I don't have 6 children to support. This woman is not a victim, not branded by her past only child existence...quite simply, this woman is a complete and total moron. There is no excuse for her stupidity. Suze Orman tried to sympathize with her; and help us understand the reasons for this woman's behavior. Sure, it all made sense, but Suze did not let this woman use her past/childhood as an excuse. The husband was no less to blame. How could he not know what was going on w/ his finances and his family? Suze would not accept his "I'm disappointed with my wife" line. She called him out. Again, she's my new hero. This all brings me back to my same old argument about parents. They suck, they're stupid and they should have their children taken away...for this is nothing less than abuse and neglect. Take her kids away and put the bitch in jail.

1 comment:

Always Around Kids said...

I agree with you. And crap like this happens waaaaay too much.

I think we SHOULD judge.

a little bit 'bout klugula...

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