Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

2008 Is Underway

My blogging has suffered. Don’t try and deny me that. It truly has. By God, I’ve got some time now, so I’m going to do my damnedest to get caught up on the many events of the past days/weeks.

Currently, I’m watching Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978). Did you need to know that? No, but it might provide some insight into my paranoid state at the moment. Okay, not really. Moving on.

Happy New Year. This will go down as one of my most relaxing, lame New Year’s Eve’s on record. Saturday, friends Jeff and Chris were back in town (they left a few hours ago). We had a great time, shopping at Old Orchard on Sunday, chowing down and seeing a movie on Monday and then returning home to prep for the holiday festivities. We didn’t have plans until that afternoon. We were to meet w/ friends Nick and Josh, but once our movie ended, I was having sinus issues (my usual throbbing headache). On top of this all, the weather was wretched. The other half and I ended up staying home; cancelling our plans w/ Nick and Josh, and leaving Jeff and Chris to their own devices. I napped from 5-7pm (upon returning home from the movie) and then was asleep by 10:30pm (not even seeing the celebration on television). I slept about 12 hours, so apparently I needed it. Feeling better today. More on my latest health issues in a bit.

We did another piece to the floorset @ work on Sunday night; and I’m assuming that that dust and debris atmosphere was what set my sinuses into overtime. Speaking of work; many of the seasonal folks are no longer on the schedule, and yet I’m still working. I guess that’s a good sign. However, it looks like I may only be staying on a part time basis…okay, but any less pay than I’ve been getting for the holidays would result in more difficult finances. Lord. So, it appears I can stay on w/ the company on a part time basis, but perhaps I should begin looking for other full time opportunites w/in the company or find a new full time job elsewhere. Here we go again.

No creative updates to report. Nothing has happened over the holidays on any of my scripts, on French Toast, or any other creative endeavors. I still have to shoot my “audition” scene for The Gauntlet. I have until the 15th of this month (my God; it’s actually 2008!) to submit my tape. We’ll see if I actually get it done.

Strange event on Sunday; the drive home from work. I experienced a strange blurriness of my right eye peripheral. A bit jarring, but it faded after a while. Very scary. I’m unsure if I should get it checked, or chalk it up to the dust from the evening or all of the sugary-good cookies provided by one of my bosses for the evening’s work. Whatever.

It’s miserable outside. Cold, snowy, windy. I’m ready to move away from here. I’m really ready to start planting roots in the new place we end up…wherever that is and whenever we make the move.

I guess I should be more positive. With a new year comes new opportunities and many possible new directions. Stiff upper lip. Carry on, old fluff.

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a little bit 'bout klugula...

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Hollywood, California, United States
I like zombies...A LOT.

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