Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Few Gripes

From all pages of my life in the past weeks.

1) Some grumpy, inconsiderate customers lately. For instance…two women who came into the store about 5 minutes before we were to close; and then took their sweet time to shop; not just pick up the items they came in for. We were cleaning, fluffing beds, counting down registers; and they were the only customers in the store; and yet, they browsed. No “oh we’re sorry we’re keeping you here…we’ll get our stuff and go; thanks for keeping the store open for us for a few minutes”. No, none of that. It was clearly a case of those folks with a sense of entitlement. I don’t have the patience for that. F*** off ladies; and have a nice night. We closed at 9pm; they left at 9:20pm. Nice.
2) Okay Keith Olbermann; I can’t get over the fact that you wouldn’t lay off Hillary’s “cry” moment; and the bit of dialogue most of the networks weren’t showing…right after her heartfelt plea for the US…the one where you kept repeating that she was “attacking” her opponents. Her comments included things along the lines of, “some of us are more prepared” and “some of us have an idea of what we will do on day one; and others do not”. That’s what you’re griping about Keith? It seems to me she’s stating a fact. Get over it, it’s not an attack; it’s the truth. If there were not differences in the ideas, experience and beliefs of the candidates; it might be a bit harder to make a choice; don’t you agree?
3) Also on the case of my girl, Hill. I’m tired of folks throwing in her face the fact that she is so unemotional and so powerful in her belief that she is to be the Democratic candidate. What else would you morons expect? Should she be telling the press and her supporters everyday that she, “doesn’t feel very positive that things will go her way…she may as well just give up.” Aren’t all of the candidates; from both parties; positive that they will be “the one”? Of course they are; or they wouldn’t be running. No one’s going to run for office “just cuz”. “I don’t have a chance and I have a negative image of my self and my chances, but I’ll run anyway.” I’ll use some words from a recent Bill Clinton appearance…give me a break.
4) Can Britney just go away? I’m not wishing her death or anything that harsh; not only cuz that would be wrong, but I can’t bring myself to accept her as another Marilyn, James Dean or Elvis…lost before their proper time and morphed into some martyr/saint that can be found on everything from beach towels to coffee cups. Can’t we put her in an institution somewhere; give her round the clock attention? No more access to her car, to her children and to the papparrazzi? I simply DO NOT CARE anymore to hear about her continual train wrecks. Please, please, please go away Britney…and please, please, please, press; stop reporting on her. You want a worthwhile story? How ‘bout the political race going on right now. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? Two of the top candidates are a woman and a black man? History in the making? Certainly. There, that should fill your reporting pie-holes for quite some time. We don’t need Britney news any longer. Thank you.
5) I’ve never experienced insomnia on a regular basis; but man; the past few days have been harsh. Is there a way to shut off your brain; without the use of over-the-counter drugs…and get some sleep? Too much crap in my brain (put that to the tune of “Too Much Time on My Hands” and you’ve got a hit!) Can’t shut it all off!
6) I came home tonight to find our building; and most of our block w/ little to no power. We had some things working; but eventually we lost power completely for about 45 minutes. Why? I just don’t know. Well, the gripe here; is that we had to walk up the stairs the eight flights to our floor. That’s not the bad part. The bad part is that some soul had taken their dog (I’m assuming this is what happened) down the stairs; since the elevators were out of service; and apparently, the dog did not make it down the many flights; in time. Okay, an embarrassing moment for the poor pooch. Forgivable. But, here’s the kicker…the owner didn’t bother to clean up the shit that had been lovingly left in the stairwell. What is that? How is that acceptable? The other half and I opened the stairwell door; and it reeked. I wondered why; until we reached about the 4th floor to find the nice treat that had been left behind. Real classy, folks. Get the hell out of my building!

That is all for now. We now join your regularly scheduled bitching; ALWAYS in progress.

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