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an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Back into the Caves with You!

I've posted before on a possible sequel to the fabulous The Descent, and now it's certainly a reality. I don't know if I'm just super jaded, or what, but I'm apprehensive about this new horror flick as well. The return to the scene of the original (see the synopsis below); and right after the events of the original, seems cliched to me. Let's make the same mistakes as we did before (yes, I know, Sarah is being forced this time), and certainly, as in all other cases, no one will believe what she is telling them. Yadda, yadda, yadda. I will see it, and I'm anxious to see it (excited and scared). I hope they don't f*** this up, cuz I consider the original a true gem. I was really hoping they would leave well enough alone. Fingers also crossed on this one. Also, just to ruin it for any onlookers, it appears as though the entire cast of the original returns (obviously there will be flashbacks--but I have a feeling that Juno survived after an axe to the calf--that excites me a lot since I had a crush on her). Hmmm. Here's a link w/ info.

The first batch of glorious stills from Jon Harris' The Descent: Part II have found their way online and can be viewed beyond the break! It looks as if we'll have some new creatures joining in on the fun. The sequel written by James Watkins (Eden lake) will continue the story of Sarah, who as the only survivor of an all-female caving expedition gone horrifically wrong, suffers severe psychological trauma. Unable to speak, she accompanies a rescue team back to the cave, but events once again take a sinister turn.

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a little bit 'bout klugula...

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Hollywood, California, United States
I like zombies...A LOT.

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