Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Local Actors Spotted #68-69

Thom Filicia; the designer from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. He was in only briefly, so I didn't get a chance to say hello.

Brooke Smith was also in. She's apparently a regular on Grey's Anatomy (which I don't watch), but I know her as Catherine Martin; Buffalo Bill's current victim in The Silence of the Lambs. I got her autograph. She looked familiar to me, and then she handed me her credit card; and I recognized her name. That's when I made the connection. She was nice. "It puts the lotion on its skin." My co-workers think I'm a dork. One; for asking for autographs, and two, for knowing all of these lesser known actors. I'm a nerd; and I'm pretty proud of it. Obviously, the photo above is Brooke. Neat!


Always Around Kids said...

Very neat!

She was also on Weeds.

Unknown said...

I don't think that's geeky to know these people. One day we'll be able to approach these people with a brilliant script based on them knowing you from the store! AND THEN MY CAREER - I mean our careers - WILL BE LAUNCHED!

a little bit 'bout klugula...

My photo
Hollywood, California, United States
I like zombies...A LOT.

Oh dear Lord! It's the klugulablog archives!