Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

How Do I Spell Success?

Well, I had yesterday off. I made it my task to get some writing done on the Simon Baker script. After 7 more pages; all over the script, and getting past the sounds of IM-ing by the insurance salesman (a really hot guy) in the chair next to me in Starbucks, I have decided to call this a first draft. It is rough. When I say rough, I mean ROUGH! Lots of work still to be done, but the skeleton, and many great details are already in place. It gets from point A to point Z (for zombie of course), and it's not completely disjointed. Lots of connections made yesterday; from scene to scene, so no brilliant writing was put out there. However, there's a great little visual motif that I added; and I'm thrilled by it. I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around a "done" status (well, it's not done; since it's only the first draft, but you get me, don't you?) It's about 111 pages. Nice.

Speaking of "done", David Schmidt; writer/director of House of Black Wings, has announced that, aside from adt'l tweaks here and there; in the nooks and crannies of the film, that the project is "done". I'm so proud of him, and SO excited to see the product. I spoke to friend Clare, and she confirmed that indeed, the final sound/scoring, really pulls it all together. I should be receiving a screener soon; per David. VERY EXCITING! He's apparently preparing it to be sent to some festivals. Let the fun begin. I'll keep y'all updated.

Did I mention that I have a rough draft of Me & Simon Baker? It bares repeating.

My job has been going well. However, since it is in the news now, I will make note of it here. There are about 75 stores in the company, and within the next month, 25 will be closed. While my store is not one of them, this still hits close to home. It's frightening. I have been getting some hour cuts, which is fine, since I have plenty of projects to work on (Simon Baker--did I put it out there that I completed a rough draft?), and since...dare I report this? I'm afraid to do so, for fear of a jinx. The other half has a job. He's been there for 2 weeks, so we're hoping it's sticking. It's nice to know that we're back on the road to financial stability. I certainly don't want to put out negative thoughts, but I'm still so scared that it'll all come crashing down...again. But, so as not to give it more power, that's the end of that conversation. However, I congratulate my boy on his new gig. Mana!

My Oscar follow up report will come after be patient.

I'm super tired of hearing about "octo-mom". She's a freak. She's mental, and her children need to be taken away. Her fertility doctor needs to be arrested as well. Get the kids out to some decent families. I just heard today; that the "octo-mom" was offered a porno gig; and that she's actually considering it. What a freak! On top of it all, she's using public assistance to take care of her kids. Let me put it out there...I dislike you a great deal, "octo-mom". There, rant completed.

I haven't blogged in so long, I don't know if I have already "discussed" this. I sent my first screenplay, "Sid's Apple" out to some friends in the biz. Friend Kate had some comments about fixer-upper bits, but also had the nicest compliment I've heard in a long time. She said that the script seemed to have been written by someone who has been screenwriting for a very long time. Warm fuzzy, thanks for reading Ms. Kate.

Speaking of scripts, I'm not sure if this has been notated, but I completed a first draft of "Me & Simon Baker".

Met w/ friend Chris last night; to push ahead on our co-project. It's been about a month since our epic weekend of writing and brainstorming, so it was nice to get back on the horse. More on this as it develops.

The other half and I are taking a look at one bedroom apartments in our current building; based on the fact that we now have a second income. We're not going overboard, but if we can get a bit more space, for not a great deal more money, I think it's time we spread out a bit. If this all pans out, we should be able to get our stuff from Phoenix, move into a larger place (I looked at it yesterday--there's a fabulous view of the Hollywood Hills to the north, as well as a fabulous view of the Hollywood sign) and actually start nesting. I don't see that we can ever do that in our little studio. I'm ready to grow some roots here. If we can't own, then by God, we'll rent somewhere more comfortable. Also, this place has a large balcony....mmmm, outdoor space.

A few movies of the past week (s). Danny Boyle's Sunshine. Visually amazing...kind of confusing...but Chris Evans is in it and we all know that he's hot. Very Alien, very entertaining, and creepy; via the burned dude from the Icarus One. Am I right? Weird Science. One of my all time faves, but it's been so very long since I actually sat down to take it all in. A couple of things. Ilan Mitchell Smith (Wyatt) can't keep a straight face, and he looked into the camera at least once. Kelly LeBrock will be added to my Stew of Sin; for this film only. Lisa is just plain hot! This movie is friggin' hilarious. Smooth Talk. I saw this year's ago, and just convinced the other half to watch it...cuz it's amazing. Great performance by Laura Dern, very odd characters, and as it was the first time I saw it, the seduction scene is mezmerizing. So subtle, so creepy, so odd. See this movie! Quick bit of info...Laura Dern is Connie, a rebellious teen (take a look @ her family, you'll know why), who goes to the mall w/ her friends, overdoes her makeup and then flirts w/ all the guys she passes. Each day she gets more brave; eventually going to an overage bar. There she sees Treat Williams (looking fine!) and he tells her that "he's watching her". I'll leave the rest to your viewing pleasure...meaning, get out and rent/buy it! I first read about this film in Kim Newman's book, Nightmare Movies. It's discussed in the chapter, "Psycho Movies" if that gives you a bit more insight.

Well, since truck was cancelled, I have today off from work. Domestic tasks were completed on Monday, and I finished my rough draft of "Me & Simon Baker" (did you know that?), which means I truly don't have any pressing things on my calendar. Let's see. Some blogging, perhaps a nap? I know...television and maybe a nice walk. So many choices.

Later, y'all!

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a little bit 'bout klugula...

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Hollywood, California, United States
I like zombies...A LOT.

Oh dear Lord! It's the klugulablog archives!