I used to update and blog so regularly. What has happened? Where have I gone?
I'm afraid w/ all of the IM-ing I've been doing on Facebook, that my typing skills will be destroyed. I don't correct spelling or other errors. What will happen to me if I don't fix this?
I never did discuss or update on the Las Vegas Film Festival; from the beginning of April. Why so much slacking? I doubt it will ever happen now. I'll post what I did write, but it will be disjointed and unfinished.
Saturday, had a wonderful meal w/ friends Leah and Michael; and Leah's fiance, the lovely Ian (whom we just met)! Yes, can't believe it. Lehaha is engaged. They have a fabulous loft; in an old bank building downtown. Spooky, but up-n-coming, neighborhood, but faboo apartment. Leah's quite the hostess, and quite the cook. Thanks Leah! Good lasagna. She also tells one heck of a ghost story (a creepy true one!)
My job's been going fine. Some cut hours and some changes in staff, but all is okay. Rather than work a bunch of piddly short shifts over 5 days, I am now working full shifts over 4 days; meaning I have 3 days off a week. Meh. I'm still liking the job; which seems strange to me. June will be my 8th month! Wacky. I really love my co-workers and staff. I feel like we've bonded through all of the changes and cuts. It's public knowledge now, so I don't feel bad mentioning it, but the company has filed Chapter 11. Not sure if I said that previously. We'll ride this out and see what happens.
The other half's job is going well. He's been there like 4 months (I think), and he seems to be enjoying it. Based on the stories he tells me of his co-workers, I need to meet these folks. They sound like a hoot! We don't see much of each other; since he gets up @ 5:30 am, and I leave to work generally @ noonish, and get home @ 9pm. We stay up for an hour and then must hit the hay. He also has weekends off; when I generally do not. For me, I feel more appreciative of our time together. Not to get too mushy, but I sure do love him. Our ten year is just a few short weeks away. Unbelievable!
A few movies of the past weeks. It's been so long since one of my mega-updates (I used to say "mega" a lot in the mid 80's when I was a kid, and my friends made fun of me), I'm unsure if I've mentioned some of these already.
Apocalypto. Gory, wonderful, engrossing. Not what I would have expected; since this was all around or after Gibson's weird arrest and meltdown (I think). Great performances and plentiful male flesh as well. I really liked this film.
Grey Gardens. Made me want to see the documentary. Lange was great, but I was really impressed by Drew Barrymore. I commented to the other half that this was Barrymore's The Aviator and Benjamin Button. As I've said before, The Aviator was the first time I didn't see Dicaprio in the character (at least part of the time). The same for Brad Pitt in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. They overcame their celeb status and disappeared in the role. Barrymore did it too. She was really quite amazing. Watch the film all the way through the credits for a nice voice-over treat. Oh, and Justin Louis plays one of the documentary filmmakers. I know him as "Louis", Sarah Polley's onscreen husband in the Dawn of the Dead remake. Yeah!
Star Trek. Amazing. Exciting. I was initially very concerned about the CW-y cast, but man, they really brought it. They were hot, young, hip and surprisingly deep. Zachary Quinto as the new Spock, was the standout. We saw this @ a freebie preview on Tuesday, and I generally hate waiting in line for 3 hours to do these things, but this was well worth it. Loud, effects laden, thrilling. I really LOVED this movie. Chris Pine as the new Kirk; is just hot. And of course, Simon new lover.
Run Fatboy Run. Simon Pegg. Simon Pegg. Simon Pegg. I'll watch anything he does. He's wonderful, the film's adorable, and Hank Azaria's got one hell of a body. Congrats to David Schwimmer; this flick's a great deal of fun.
Journey to the Center of the Earth. This is the 2008 version w/ Brendan Fraser. Nothing memorable, but a fun time. We were going to see this in the theatre last summer, but the other half and I ended up having a fight, so it didn't happen. I would have liked to have seen it in 3-D, but...well. Nothing can top the James Mason version from the 50's. That movie's on my all time fave list. But this was not w/ out its charms. Attractive cast, and fun effects; and even a few effective "boo" moments (the flying fish anyone?)
So, I had a Facebook status update last week; mentioning something about "interesting" news, and that I wanted to see how it would play out before announcing it. Remember? Do ya? I'm gonna put it out there, just cuz I feel like it. I don't want to jinx it, but the more I think about it, it may not be as big as I think. Maybe I just want to downplay it in case it results in nothing. Anyway, the other half has a new co-worker, who overheard him talking to me about me wanting to protect the second draft of the "Baker" script (did I mention that!!! I finished a second draft already!). She said that she used to work w/ a woman @ Samuel French (yes, that Samuel French) who was also a publisher, and that she may be able to assist me in that...and perhaps down other avenues in the biz. I don't know exactly what her connections are, or how she may be able to help me. However, I did look her up on line, and apparently she has her fingers in a lot of pies. They're trying to set up a meeting for me; w/ her, this week! I don't know what it means, which is why I'm trying to keep from counting my chickens before they've hatched. I realize that I may have to pitch my script this week. Hello, never done it! So, I'll keep updated as it happens. Who knows, maybe it won't. I think at the very least; if I do get to meet her, I can get some good feedback and/or advice.
In other news, my mother will be having surgery soon; to remove a mass in her abdomen. They're not considering it an emergency, thus not believing it to be the "C" word. But it does have to be done. Thinkin' about you Mom!
Also, since my hours have been cut, we WON'T be moving into a one-bedroom in our building; any time soon. We have to be smart about it. This also means that the delivery of our belongings from storage in Phoenix, will also have to wait. It's been out there so long, I'm wondering how our stuff will be when we finally get it. Melted from the desert sun? Dusty beyond repair? Teeming w/ desert critters? Hmmm.
Due to laziness, I have yet to make note of Dom DeLuise's passing. I will fondly remember him most from Haunted Honeymoon. "Ballin' the Jack"? Remember that musical gem? So long Dom.
I guess that's it. Except for that fact that I did indeed complete a second draft of "Me & Simon Baker". I'm very proud of myself, and am amazed at how much was cleaned up; just from the second sweep. Since I have three days off; beginning today, I think I could even focus and make an entire third go @ it over the next three days.
Talked to friend Chris, and he is close to calling his latest script "complete". Congrats to you, my friend.
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