Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dear Hallmark Channel...

Leave my GIRLS alone!

While I appreciate you taking over the license for The Golden Girls reruns from Lifetime when they ran out their contract; it would make me very happy if you would stop cutting them to pieces.

Let me first point out that I know my almost lifelong obsession w/ a show about 4 older women is probably a bit creepy (let me rationalize by saying that I'm not the only one), but I would rather just bask in my strange love, than question it.

But Hallmark has made a bad habit of messing w/ these classic episodes. If you too watch these elderly repeats (pun intended), then you too have noticed what I have.

1) You keep adding music cues at inappropriate places. It's as if you're cutting the laughter from the last zinger; right before the commercial break; just a smidge ahead of what is once was. It's irritating. It's jarring. And what the hell difference does it make--leaving those few seconds?

2) Your establishing shots are completely out of whack. In your quest to re-edit and apparently offer an extra few seconds to your precious ads (for The Scooter Store and other age appropriate sponsors), you're mixing establishing shots up w/ what follows in the actual scene. More than once I've seen the iconic house in a night shot; only to have the next shot in the girls' kitchen--and it's broad daylight out the window over the sink. ??? Also, I've seen an establishing shot of the house; and the scene following is in a completely different location. What gives?

3) Finally, you're cutting jokes and scenes that I know very well. It's very clear that something is missing...even if you don't know these episodes like the back of your hand. The abrupt edit is so distracting; and in many cases--removing some of the best jokes of the episode! I've noticed this in many an episode, but there was one (which now slips my mind) the other day which really caught my eye.

In closing, please leave my show alone. I'm glad you've taken over the reins; and that it still has a place on television after having been off the air almost 20 years; but knock this s*** off.



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a little bit 'bout klugula...

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Hollywood, California, United States
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