Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Vote 4 Pedro!

I viewed Napoleon Dynamite this weekend, and it was a real joy. Of course I watched it w/ 3 teens/preteens who had seen the movie multiple times, and had to bite their tongue to keep from speaking every line as it came up. I guess I can't blame them, as the film is extremely quote-worthy. It reminded me of Welcome to the Dollhouse, minus the extreme cruelty. I loved the fact that it was hard to place it in any time. Jon Heder was great, as was Tina Majorino (I had a hard time placing her at first, as I have not seen her since Waterworld.) Best quote (probably not exact, but I don't have my teen/preteen friends to confirm this), "Come get your dinner Tina, you fat lard." Tina is a llama. Good times.

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