Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Monday, April 18, 2005

The Downside of Being Materialistic & Having the Money to Fulfill the Addiction

This may possibly be the most stirring, controversial blog I will ever write. But that doesn't matter, cuz no one reads my blog anyway. Let's face facts. I have been, am currently, and probably always will be, a very materialistic person. There is not much that I can do to change that. I have had those thoughts every once in a great while, where I see myself ridding my life of all material possessions and traveling the country with nothing but my fat ass and my lightweight backpack. Hell, when I have the money, I can do that anyway, and still return to all of my toys, movies, THINGS... I always feel compelled to tell my friends about these purchasing exploits, perhaps because there is nothing else in my life worth discussing. Of course this is not true, but I generally get a sense of...not jealousy, that would be very pompous, but of "Who cares." Is it cuz they are too poor? Too "of the earth" to enjoy such things? I really cannot answer that. It is not something I want to bring up. So I do keep some things to myself, for the reaction to an explanation of a fabulous vacation recently taken, is less than desirable. I love my friends, and I think they love me, so I would expect them to bask in my happiness of all things material. But, for the most part, they do not. I always like to remind myself of how poor I was in my short stay in Minneapolis. We are talking dirt poor. I weighed 150 lbs, and that is very small for someone who is 6'1". I could not afford to eat more that once a day. Sometimes not even that. My family has never been well to do, so I think that I am reliving a second childhood, buying all the fun, wacky things I could never get until recently. I don't think that is such a strange thing. But, then I cannot share this with some of my closest friends, cuz "I am gloating." Fuck yes, I am, but I have earned the right to do so. I have been poor all my life and now I can enjoy things, travel, food. Hunt me down if you disagree, but I will still love having money, and buying my inconsequential...things. Enjoy these things with me, enjoy the happiness of my unfulfilling material existence.
Most of all, I am just glad that I have reached a point in my life, not to spend like a madman, but to be able to eat out, or buy a CD or see a movie, and not decide if that action will leave me starving for the next week. I have been to that darkest of places, oh so recently. I never want to return.


Anonymous said...

Michael, YOu have worked very hard to get out of debt and enjoy the things you and Elwood have. DOn't worry too much about the opinions of others -except mine of course;)

Enjoy, maybe Joel and I can finally get our asses down to Chi town this summer!

klugula said...

That would be winning for you to appear here! Thanks for the nice words. At least someone on the planet can recall how I suffered through ramen noodles after college!

a little bit 'bout klugula...

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Hollywood, California, United States
I like zombies...A LOT.

Oh dear Lord! It's the klugulablog archives!