Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Scary Movie Weekend

The Ninth Gate and The Grudge. I enjoyed The Ninth Gate. I am not sure if I really am this dim, but I still am not certain what really happened. I loved the mystery of the film and the performances were great, but how did it end? Who was the blonde chick? What had Depp accomplished? What will he do w/ the nine pages? Why is he the one to end up w/ the complete puzzle? Perhaps I was in the wrong state of mind to comprehend these issues, but I still enjoyed the film. My other half also had some problems understanding the film's resolution, and he had seen it before! All in all, it was still a fun time. The Grudge, on the other hand was about as simple as you could get. Bad house, mean ghosts, and creepy children. I had a good time watching it, but did not think it was the best horror I have ever seen. Although, I did have a difficult time closing my eyes to fall asleep last night. I found myself covering my eyes a few times, so that was certainly notable. One moment gave me a complete body goosebump makeover; the face in the window of the bus! Ugh! Worthwhile watch, and I anxiously await the sequel.

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a little bit 'bout klugula...

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Hollywood, California, United States
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