Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Land of the Dead Take 2

The other half and I went to our usual theatre for a 12:15 viewing of Land of the Dead. My guess is that the craziness of the premiere a few days ago is what led to my iffy feelings about the film. Well, say goodbye to wishy-washy folks, cuz I LOVED it this time around. Was it cuz I missed some of the brilliance as the Pittsburgh locals hooted and hollered @ any reference to their beloved metropolis? Was it the fact that I was more worried about meeting some of my idols later in the evening? Was it the fact that I was exhausted already, and wondering how my next day of little sleep would effect my work day, and show evening? All of these things. Although I still was not happy w/ the zombie music "theme", not many of the negatives from the initial viewing stood today. Robert Joy was more wonderful than before. The zombies were more sympathetic. I found myself enjoying the film more than judging it. I don't know if it will ever hold the same place of honor in my movie memory as say Day of the Dead, but it is a worthy return from the King of Zombies. Plans are to see it again...and again...and perhaps again. The current record holder for times seen in the theatre, is Jurassic Park @ 5 times. Just for the sake of love, I may have to beat that out w/ this. It will be symbolic of my true love; walking corpses that eat people. So romantic.

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a little bit 'bout klugula...

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Hollywood, California, United States
I like zombies...A LOT.

Oh dear Lord! It's the klugulablog archives!