Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Another Return to the Griffin

I got a call from the Griffin today, and was offered a part. I accepted. I'm super excited (despite my usual wishy-washiness). It was nice that I will not have to go through callbacks. I will still be there, but will just be a reader as they locate the remainder of the cast. It's a nice feeling to have that kind of trust from a group like the Griffin. It's a wonderful bunch of folks, and I count myself lucky to be part of them for the past 5 years (yeah, that long!) I guess in a way I'm playing it safe by not really auditioning for other theatres. I have done it of course, but this fulfills my need to be on stage, and in a show I know will be high quality. No risk taking. I'll just have to do it in other areas of my life; like continuing my lifelong search for the Yeti at the top of Mt. Everest. What am I saying? That's no risk!

Also, let's keep in mind that this is my first musical in 9 years and from what I understand, the Griffin's first musical ever! I don't know the songs or the complete script yet, so we'll see if my singing role will be miniscule, or if I'll actually have some real singing to do! The program will read, "...and in the only non-singing role, Michael Klug". The Chicago theatre-going community breathes a sigh of relief...

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a little bit 'bout klugula...

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Hollywood, California, United States
I like zombies...A LOT.

Oh dear Lord! It's the klugulablog archives!