Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Images of an Incomplete "Julia"

I'm not a professional photographer here, so cut me some slack. Here she is, still under construction. That's Jub Jub sitting next to her. This isn't "Julia's" usual spot, but the light seemed better here.

A bit more of a closeup.

I realized after I took this one, that it seemed a bit...shall we say, provocative? Forgive me. I'd remove it, but it shows good detail.

Another closeup. Note the arty angle of the shot. Brilliant I tell you! Brilliant!

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a little bit 'bout klugula...

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Hollywood, California, United States
I like zombies...A LOT.

Oh dear Lord! It's the klugulablog archives!