Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Could I Be a Bigger Nerd?

No, I could not be. The other half and I picked up some new DVD's over the weekend; one being the complete series of V. We already have the original mini-series and the second mini-series, The Final Battle. I was obsessed with this show when it originally aired. I was about 10 or 11 when the actual TV series aired its piddly 19 episodes. I since have seen both mini-series numerous times. However, the actual weekly airings I had not laid eyes upon since the mid-80's. We found it via our usual Reckless Records scanning of the shelves. 20 bucks. We of course grabbed it. Since Sunday we have watched 7 of the 19 episodes. Some observations...Jeff Yagher (Kyle Bates) spends the majority of one of the episodes shirtless; nice. The 10 hours worth of mini-series action still holds up today; although some of the effects are lacking. The story, acting and messages are powerful. The actual series doesn't work as well today. I find myself watching it more for the curvaceous lines of Diana's ample behind and hips, the possibility of Marc Singer shirtless, the Dynasty-esque bickering between Diana (Jane Badler) and Lydia (June Chadwick), the still nauseating rodent chewing, and the promise of memories/nostalgia from a childhood so simple and long ago. As each episode passed us by, the majority of the storylines were a surprise; however, I immediately recalled Klaus upon seeing him, the crivets @ their first mention, and the nasty Nathan Bates. Let it be known that the acting in the weekly series is quite bad, as is the writing. One instance found Ham Tyler (Michael Ironside) meeting Kyle Bates (Yagher) and the very next episode; had them introducing themselves as if they had never laid eyes on each other. Go figure. Another thing that the other half and I found fun/irritating, was the never-ending capabilities of the resistance fighters to gain access to any and all Visitor strongholds. They could get in and out w/ nary a problem. After all of this fighting, you'd think the Visitors would up security. My guess is that the lower budget for a weekly series, allowed for less money to hire tons of extras, thus making the Visitor guard's numbers dwindle significantly.

Our plan is to complete the entire set of DVD's by week's end. It has been a blast so far, despite its glaring shortcomings. I can assume this is why the weekly series was cut so short. It just wasn't very good.

The other half suggested I look for current photos of our V heroes and villains. What should I discover? A new mini-series in the works. The IMDB shows it with a release date of 2007, and returning characters and the actors that created them; Mike Donovan (Marc Singer), Juliet Parrish (Faye Grant), Diana (Jane Badler) and Willie (Freddy Krueger himself; Robert Englund). Kenneth Johnson; the man behind the original, is also slated to return for his directing duties. I am ecstatic that this is a possibility. I would be so excited to see V with a big budget; just like the terrific new Battlestar Galactica. I'm already in heaven with that, so let's just nerd it up and make my stay in the nether-regions longer w/ the return of the Visitors.



klugula said...

Just an confirm my nerdliness. All of the actor and character names were remembered from long ago. Watching the series just confirmed that I was correct. Nerd!

klugula said...

Just an confirm my nerdliness. All of the actor and character names were remembered from long ago. Watching the series just confirmed that I was correct. Nerd!

a little bit 'bout klugula...

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Hollywood, California, United States
I like zombies...A LOT.

Oh dear Lord! It's the klugulablog archives!