Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A Harp...Interesting

Perhaps not.

I have a splitting headache.

I'm tired of being unemployed.

I went to my temp agency today and went through the Power Point tutorial. I'm practically an expert. Hmm.

I'm ready to have a regular "schedule" again.

I'm in a funky-ass mood today. Wish it would go away.

I have zero motivation right now.

I still have to recount my brother's visit and the items contained w/in that time; on this very blog.

We have red pillows on our "pseudo couch".

I'm not a good at making the effort to see live theatre.

I've found a third screenwriting contest to submit my work.

My agent confirmed that they don't handle screenwriters; apparently only novelists.

I'm considering a rummage sale to pare down all of the crap I own. Lighten the load.

I get stomach cramps (pinecones) when I get stressed.

I'm super excited to get back into my show's circle. We had rehearsal last night; and it was awesome.

Once again, I'm in a funky-ass mood.



Bitterknitter said...

Oddly enough, I have pinecones right now! So, things could be worse!

klugula said...

I ALWAYS have pinecones. Does this mean I'm ALWAYS stressed? Yep, sure does.

You've got pinecones now? Get to a bathroom right quick. Perhaps the one that's not heated in the back of your house. Was that you?

Bitterknitter said...

Yes, indeedy! Unfortunately, the toilet belonging to said bathroom is still sitting in the middle of the laundry room not hooked up to any plumbing. (turns out the other half is not so handy...)

a little bit 'bout klugula...

My photo
Hollywood, California, United States
I like zombies...A LOT.

Oh dear Lord! It's the klugulablog archives!