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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Movie Weekend

Saturday night, the other half and I watched the US/Jennifer Connelly version of Dark Water. Nothing spectacular, but good while we were watching; and it actually had a fun twisty ending. Didn't see it coming. Don't drink the water.

We also watched The Chumscrubber. It's an all star cast; headlined by Jamie Bell (Billy Elliot). It's part Happiness, part extreme Desperate Housewives, and part Donnie Darko. It's a suburban tale of teenage woe. It's funny, touching and disturbing. A real gem. Among the other cast members; Glenn Close, Ralph Fiennes, an awesome Rita Wilson, Carrie Anne Moss, Rory Culkin, and Alison Janney. Very good stuff!

We went to our Evanston theatre w/ friend Kate to see Slither. Pretty bad, but exactly what I expected. It was nice to see Michael Rooker (Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer) in the cast. Maybe a couple of good laughs, and a couple of "boo" moments, but otherwise; quite lame. Afterward we had a nice dinner @ Prairie Moon. Good to hang w/ Kate since we haven't seen her in quite awhile. Hi Kate!

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