Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Friday, April 21, 2006

An Offering...

...of info.

The audition this early afternoon was quick. The photographer took about 10 shots of each guy. I was about 6/7th in line. When I called my agent upon my return home, she said it was a good idea I went when I did. Probably later in the day, there would be a mad rush and I would have waited a long time. The call was anytime from noon to 6pm; the poor photographer. She was probably doing about 30 guys an hour; based on how fast she was moving. The photographer said she had seen my headshot before and really liked it, asking me where it was done. I of course told her it was the glorious Suzanne Plunkett (plug, plug). She said she had used it as an example; I'm assuming as a good example. Too who (whom?) I don't really know. The other gents at the cattle call were quite varied in age and type. There were a few younger than me; some older. Some quite hot (so obviously gay!), and others more "character-y"; like me. I think I'm lucky; cuz my look never screams "gay", which I think leaves me open to more kinds of roles. That is til I talk; y'know? Fabuloussssss. We were asked to mostly smile and at one point pretend we were saying, "Oh shit!" and then as if we were winning a hand at poker w/ our buddies.

God I hope I get it. I hope I get it. How many people does she need?


Bitterknitter said...

Oooh! "Too whom?" There goes your grammar star! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you anyway, since I'm so nice and all!

klugula said...

So was it who or whom?

I'm so confused.

Bitterknitter said...

Whom. But you used the wrong to. No biggie!

a little bit 'bout klugula...

My photo
Hollywood, California, United States
I like zombies...A LOT.

Oh dear Lord! It's the klugulablog archives!