Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

What Not to Wear When You Meet Romero

This is a dream I had a few nights ago. What I recall is that I was in some diner in the middle of nowhere; a dark wooded area. There were several people there; all part of our party. Among the guests; me, the other half and George Romero. I had the opportunity to chat w/ George (I'll put it out there now; that I'll be on a first name basis w/ him eventually), and I was pitching my script to him. At some point, there appeared to be zombies skulking about outside the diner windows. Of course I got a bit antsy, and told George that I had already told the other half that I would never want to be placed on Scare Tactics (for those not in the know, it's a TV show where friends set up other friends in life/death terror situations). If I were placed in a "zombie" situation, I would freak out and probably end up killing someone with a bludgeon meant for a zombie skull. So, friends beware; don't try it! You'll have a scandal on your hands. :) Anyway, I told Romero this and at that moment, two zombies approached from the kitchen area of the diner; veiled in shadow. I stood up, prepping myself with my karate expertise (or not).
As they came into the light; it was revealed to be Stacy and Clinton from TLC's What Not To Wear. I had been set up.
Once Stacy and Clinton made their appearance, I looked to George, who handed me the Visa card for my new wardrobe. I then turned to the other half and asked what was this all about; I don't dress that shabbily. He said it was all about my zombie t-shirts. I explained that I don't wear them that often and that was the end of the dream.

What a combo; a diner in the middle of a deserted woods; Stacy and Clinton mocking my wardrobe; zombies attacking at the windows, and George Romero having to sit through my script pitch when all he was meant to do was hand me a credit card. Hmmm. What does it all mean?


Bitterknitter said...

I'll let you know "just as soon as I get out of the bathroom!"

Seriously, though, maybe you should refrain from watching What Not to Wear whilst feasting on human brains. (mmm...brains...)

klugula said...

But those things go sooo well together. How can I resist?

a little bit 'bout klugula...

My photo
Hollywood, California, United States
I like zombies...A LOT.

Oh dear Lord! It's the klugulablog archives!