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an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Simpsons Are Going to Busch Gardens

No matter what way we twisted and tied things around; we couldn't find a feasible way to make it to my homeland (SD) for Christmas. I'm feeling guilty about it (I had a dream about it last night); especially since my mother's been bothering me to come home. 3 weeks ago, it would have cost about 500 bucks a piece to fly back (w/ no hotel or rental car). This week, it had skyrocketed to over 1000 bucks a piece (w/ no hotel or rental car). Things @ work have been slow, so I was waiting to see if some big deal would close in time for me to have the cash to go home. None on the immediate horizon. Driving back? Yes, that's workable and we've certainly done it before, but 15 hours one way (in possible questionable winter weather), in a total of 5 days total; gives us about 3 days of time once we got there. Not particularly worthwhile. We checked on train passage. No trains go near the Black Hills; and Denver might have been an option (then renting a car from there). One way train to Denver (w/ no car or return train trip); about 600 bucks. Again, not a smart money decision. What about a flight to Denver; and a rental car from there? Well, the flight (which was good when we initially looked) has also gone way up in the past couple of days. Also, since we would not be renting a car for a week, it would be about 200-300 bucks A DAY. Nope. Any way we put it, it seems that it would cost about 2-3 grand for about 4 days back home. Don't have that kind of money. Not a wise move. Soooo, no trip home.

The other half is determined to get out of here for a few days; since we were unable to take a trip over Turkey Day. He found (and booked) a trip to St. Petersburg/Tampa Florida. A nice beachfront hotel; w/ plenty of sunning and water time (and also a possible day @ Busch Gardens). About 700 bucks...FOR BOTH OF US. That's round trip airfare and hotel. We're not planning on renting a car. There are four words that make this trip worthwhile...warmth, escape, cheap, recharge. I've been so caught up in making my new day job workable, and making House of Black Wings complete, that a few days on the beach could really make a difference right now. I'm certainly bummed that home is not an option; and was truly questioning whether I should just stay home, rather than tell my family that I wouldn't be making it the end...I figured, HOME OR NOWHERE AT ALL. But the other half mentioned; and I mulled it around in my head...why should I feel guilt and deny myself a chance to recharge my wasted batteries? I shouldn't. I will do what's right for me; and what is just plain, old-fashioned common sense. So, the Simpsons are going to Busch Gardens!

1 comment:

Always Around Kids said...

We often note that it would be cheaper for us to fly to Europe than to go home for the holidays! We end up purchasing our holiday tickets waaaay in advance (we purchased our Christmas tickets in August). SD airports get astronomical, and the road between Denver and the Hills is scary in the wintertime. IMO, chat with your family, choose your holiday, and plan on it for next year. You are wise to go to warmer climes for this holiday.

a little bit 'bout klugula...

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