Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Reality Sets In...

It's 2am on a school night. I haven't posted in over a week... Let's talk.

Had an "emergency" pre-production meeting w/ Clare. Emergency meaning that it was not scheduled until a couple of days ago. Clare was kind enough to take the meeting, considering she is knee deep in packing/sorting/loading for a move coming up on Saturday. Over a bite of healthy Baker's Square tidbits, we worked for 3 hours +. I have recently become concerned that we have no schedule for the pending shoot; now under a month away. As we went on through the script; deciding what should be shot in the day, what had to be shot in the day and the same for night, etc. it became apparent that our 2 1/2 day weekend would not suffice to complete the script. I'm going to go through the times we set aside for each chunk (a final whopping count of 19 "scenes") and see if some things can be rescheduled, if we can pick up a half hour here or there. But, we still have to return another weekend to do some important still shots w/ the entire family. Soo, looks like we might be shooting for another weekend (or at least a portion of another weekend).

The other half was good enough to reserve an SUV for the (now) 1st weekend of shooting, so I'll have to figure out what will happen for the (now) second weekend. It will from hereon out be known as "The French Toast Mobile". Also, I will have to convince my cast that another weekend will be necessary. I'm going to "politely" suggest (i.e. beg) my crew and equipment "angels" to come back for another weekend, if it becomes clear that Clare and I will not be able to handle the remaining scenes on our own. What to do...what to do? Reality is setting in. I'm frustrated now, but glad that we did this impromptu meeting early enough to realize that I was putting too much into a weekend of shooting. As is, it's going to be havoc and insanity. OMG.

Via Clare, we have confirmed our second crew person; so there are now 4 of us for behind the scenes. Welcome and thank you to Jeff.

Over the weekend, I had my second (and basically) final round of rehearsals w/ my two leads. I'm still feeling good, but becoming more nervous about how/if they will be able to pull it off; especially considering their lack of experience, and our lack of rehearsal times. However, there are some genuine moments happening in the rehearsals, so I am currently leaning more toward a level of comfort. Besides, I've got plenty to worry about with my looming "reality check" schedule.

On the funny side of events, my lead actress requested that her theatre-involved friend join our rehearsals; as an observer. After a go-ahead from her parents (and my other cast members), said friend arrived. I figured she would get some knowledge/fun from my vast directing expertise (ahem) and all would be well. Little did I know that she would quickly take on the reins of acting coach/assistant director. I did not request such services, nor was I asked if that was something I wanted (I didn't). She took it upon herself to simply jump in and offer line readings, etc. I'm not saying she was way off with her recommendations, just that this type of behavior is not customary or appreciated. After a bit of work w/ my two leads and some frustrating advice from their cohort, it was time to work solely w/ my lead. Clear the room! Mother of my cast-clan made it clear that no one (besides the extras she chose) would be around for the weekend shoot. Thus, I feel good knowing that actor friend/unwanted AD would not be around for the big few days. Thank you Jesus. Am I threatened by a 15 year old? Apparently so. Another bit of trivia open for discussion w/ my therapist.

So, this brings me to now. This evening's meeting was certainly a startling eye opener, but no less fun. I adore working w/ Clare; and find her a great motivator. I can get plenty done (not as much as I like) on my own, but find it tantalizing to have her opposite me. She pushes me. We work very well together and I get such a thrill brainstorming w/ her. I have a feeling that if all of the pieces fall together (especially a go ahead for a second weekend), that this could turn out quite respectable; even good. I explained to her how fortunate I was to have her and friend David (director of HOBW); as well as their expertise and equipment on my side. How many first time directors/filmmakers have that big of a leg up (in so many aspects of production) when they first get underway? The timing on all of this was just right. I'm blessed.

I've asked friend Val of Chicago band Fashion Bomb if they might be interested in scoring my piece; if, of course, the final product meets their high standards (not in a snobby way...I wouldn't want to attach my name to anything shoddy either). Also, friend Lester (one of my cast members) has gotten me in touch w/ one of his music contacts, who has also expressed interest in the job. My plan is coming to fruition.

I casually asked Clare (okay I was digging for compliments) how she thought I was doing on my first film directing gig. She said "fantastically well". I think I needed that. I'm having SO much fun on this, and it's nice to know that a seasoned vet like Clare doesn't hiss or cringe when we discuss setups/shots/costumes, etc. I really do feel like a natural. This isn't meant to sound high and mighty. I feel comfortable in this role; and more so as the process continues. I think I could have a future in this position. I really do. Perhaps I'm just talking out of my ass cuz it's 2 am on a school night, and I'm super tired (but can't sleep), or perhaps this is opening a new door to a possible way to pay the bills (and not have a day job). That's all I've ever do creative work and get paid for it. Us damn artists!

This weekend is super busy. I've got tons of stuff to do before the shoot weekend...weekend(s)...dear Lord. I'm going to the Fangoria Weekend of Horrors w/ the other half. Friend Val of Fashion Bomb will be playing there Friday night (we'll be staying in a nearby hotel, so we can then spend Saturday @ the convention). Should be fun. Later, more on how friend Val got us to go to this gig.

Next, on Sunday, a brunch @ the Hancock building...and baby shower for friends Lauren and Steve...and the Oscars that night.

The weekend after that? Another production meeting and much time spent shopping for costumes/props etc for the looming shoot.

The weekend after that? The other half and I are spending the weekend in Indianapolis. We're going to see our beloved Sandi Patty perform w/ the Indianapolis Pops. It'll be our 4th time seeing her live; and I can't wait. It will also be a nice weekend away.

Then...I'm put to the test...D-DAY!

Shit, I better get to bed. This blog is forever long. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed waking up @ 2am w/ my mind full of crap and thoughts that keep me from falling asleep; while a 13 hour work day quickly approaches, and a heaping, helping hand of filmmaking reality is swimming around my brain. Good night... or perhaps good morning is more appropriate. It is now 2:37am CST. Do you know where your children are?

1 comment:

Always Around Kids said...

Congratulations, Mike! I'm so happy to hear that everything is falling into place (including kicking the 15-y.o. to the curb)!

Way to go!

a little bit 'bout klugula...

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Hollywood, California, United States
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