Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Monday, March 19, 2007

"I'm not a director, but I play one on TV..."

Blogging has become a bit of a low priority as my shoot dates approached. My deepest, sincerest apologies to the many devoted fans of my spectacularly entertaining updates. Ahem. Moving on...

Much has transpired over the past weeks. A trip to Indianapolis w/ the other half where we had front row seats for Sandi Patty's Broadway tribute w/ the Indianapolis Symphony. A splendid, exciting evening of great showtunes. Although there was no "meet and greet" w/ our beloved diva (I sent her a comment on Myspace to admonish her for this oversight), we still had a great time and a much needed break from reality (a week before my first shoot weekend). Shopping, good food and a road trip (shorter than what we've been longing for, but a road trip nonetheless).

Over that same weekend, we saw 300. A great deal of fun and a very interesting look. Honestly, I couldn't focus as much on the story, performances or technical achievements as I should have, as I was completely distracted by the eye-feast of rippling man-flesh. Gerard Butler as King Leonidas was a revelation. Once I got past his immense, hard and appetizing bulk (which I never was truly able to accomplish), I found his performance very lively and fun. Without a doubt, he's only a short way from "household name" status. I had a deep hatred for his Phantom in The Phantom of the Opera, so it was a bit of a shock at how much I liked him. Kudos all around.

We saw The Host a couple of days later. I won't go into detail, cuz this is better seen than described. Quickly though, it's a great monster movie; complete with interesting, detailed characters, awesome scares, bits of slapstick, physical comedy and surprising scenes of family drama. Add some not-so-subtle political commentary, and you're in for a real treat.

To be continued in the next entry...the build-up to and the first weekend of shooting on French Toast.

Prepare yourselves. :)

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a little bit 'bout klugula...

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Hollywood, California, United States
I like zombies...A LOT.

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