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Monday, January 21, 2008

So Long, Suzanne

Suzanne Pleshette died yesterday. She was best known for her work opposite Bob Newhart on The Bob Newhart Show. I was too young to watch this... I will remember her mainly for two Tracy's Mom in Oh God, Book II (Think God!), and certainly for her turn as Annie Hayworth in Alfred Hitchcock's classic The Birds. Her moments with Tippi Hedren are very memorable...all of the coy talk about relationships with their once and current beau, Mitch Brenner (Rod Taylor), and her delivery of "Pretty" in response to Melanie Daniels (Hedren) nightgown from "Brinkmeyers"...a line I quote at least 5 times a day (okay I'm not keeping count, but it's a lot). I adore this film (it ranks very highly on my all time fave list); and certainly a hefty chunk of credit goes to Suzanne's performance as the (almost) pathetic Annie. Now that I think of it, I am always moved by the fact that she dies at the beaks of the birds. It's shocking, depressing and so sudden. She's a brilliant actress...and it doesn't seem as though "Annie" would have been much on paper...but Suzanne brings so much to the character, garnering sympathy, piqueing interest and standing as a great contrast to the big city Melanie (although Annie herself used to be a San Franciscan...just in case anyone wants to correct me). So long, Suzanne! Here's a link for more info.

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