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Monday, May 12, 2008


Friend (and current roomie) Lorri kindly showed me a cut of her upcoming film, Maidenhead. It is with temp sound and temp score, but already super good.

Here's a link to the current website. The film is still in post (obviously).

Lorri is so good...hell, in everything she does. Makes you a bit sick. I hate uber-talented folks. They irritate me...but in a good way, I guess. It's a film she wrapped last year, and co-stars AJ Bowen of The Signal (had a brief stint in the theatres recently; got good reviews) and Michael Parks (apparently one of Tarantino's stable of actors). A quick synopsis...young man (Bowen) takes care of his aging dad (Parks); who happens to be a vampire. Won't say more; cuz I don't want to give it away. It's shot in black and white, and has echoes of everything from Vertigo to Romero's Martin. I confirmed w/ Lorri that indeed the lead character of Martin was an homage to Uncle George's vampire masterpiece. With the exception of one scene, the film has a timeless quality. It seems to take place in many eras; but a great deal of the credit for that goes to the score; which is obviously a borrowed one. It's apparently taken from some Hitchcock films (I heard some Psycho in there---God bless you Bernard Herrmann). I hope the new score is able to capture the feel of the temp score, cuz it completely works, and really gives the entire experience a unique feel.

Frankly, I didn't get to concentrate on Lorri's performance (of course it was good), cuz I was really drawn in to the film. I guess that's a good thing. Correction, she and her co-star (Bowen) had really great chemistry. There. That works. Performance commentary. Plus, Bowen is really cute.

I won't give anything away here, but there's one special effect that is super, super, super. Eerie. great ways. Kudos to all.

Hook me up Lorri. I want to work with these folks. They seem nifty.

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