Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

At Last. My love comes along.

Or rather, an apartment. Read this blog I wrote two nights ago...Our first night in the new place.

Here we are. I’m actually writing this @ 11:24pm, on Thursday night, June 12, 2008. We won’t have internet for another few days, but we are, repeat, WE ARE…in our new home. We were able to snag a studio apartment in the building we ended up liking the most. We are in the center of it all folks. Hollywood California. Of course we have the option of placing ourselves in Los Angeles, since technically Hollywood isn’t a real city/town. However, every one uses Hollywood in this area. It’s all based on the zip code anyway. So, our address is Hollywood. That’s that. While we still have the job hunt ahead of us, and the drama associated w/ that search, we no longer are counting on the generosity of friends in order to have a roof over our heads. I can’t tell you the relief I’m feeling. Despite the load lifted, I can’t sleep. The other half is in the main part of our studio, snoring away, while I am typing away on battery power, holed up in the bathroom…on the floor. We don’t have electricity right now, it won’t be hooked up ‘til tomorrow. It’s gonna be tight quarters from now on, so it will be an adjustment we’ve got to make. No more two bedrooms, upstairs/downstairs, etc. A studio, with one bathroom and a pseudo-separated kitchen. It doesn’t matter though. I’m in love w/ this place. So out of the three buildings; which we saw multiple units in most of them, this is the place we wanted. The brand spanking new studio we super-wanted in the building, was not meant to be ours, cuz our credit was not great and the owner didn’t trust us cuz of that…whatever. The point is, we have been given the go-ahead (but won’t go ahead ‘til we get it in writing) to decorate the place as we wish. Already, our plans are to remove the carpet, stain and treat the concrete underneath, paint, install wall to wall shelving (such as we had in our Chicago condo second bedroom—for those who actually saw that place), and other odds and ends. It actually is a very spacious studio; and with the amount of stuff we offloaded before leaving Chicago, our remaining treasures should fit nicely (of course our next step is to get our belongings from Phoenix…remember that part of the drama? I sure do!)…Don’t take this as a rationalization at all. It’s not meant to be that at all. South facing, good view, good air flow. We’re in a 12 story building; on the 8th floor. We have parking included (which is a must in this area), laundry on site, a grocery store, drug store both within a block. Movie theatres a block away, and just about everything else one might need; including kitchzy (sp?) Hollywood souvenir shops. I’m sure I’ve already mentioned this, but we are literally just behind The Kodak Theatre—home of the Oscars. I’m very thrilled about this place…we’re also centrally located…no longer in the valley, but close enough to work there, and also a hop, skip and a jump from the beaches, Santa Monica, tons of other shopping; and the big gay neighborhood that is Weho (West Hollywood). Man, I am so pumped.

On the job front, I had an interview w/ a marketing firm, and got a call back about a second interview on Monday. However, they say I need to be there from noon to 8pm…for whatever reason. I’m going to check to see if it’s paid, cuz otherwise that seems like a giant chunk of time for no guarantees. We’ll see. I’ll call them tomorrow.

Tuesday night, while we were still in Sherman Oaks, we met up w/ friends Chris and Ami for a fabulous dinner @ a little place just off the 405; called Simon’s. Simon is the owner, chef and waiter. Super fun place. I plan to return. We haven’t seen Chris or Ami in…we figured about 4 years; since right before they left Chicago. We had a totally great time, and I got to tell Chris my thoughts on his film, The Intervention. It’s a film I was in; we shot it about 2002? I told him that Lorri (one of my recent roomies) and I had discussed and watched the film while I was staying w/ her a few weeks ago, and that we both were disappointed that he never submitted it. While there were some technical issues, the script and performances are all quite strong (if I do say so myself). He said he has been toying w/ taking another look, and possibly finally submitting it. I really hope he does, cuz it deserves to be seen by more folks. We regailed them about our latest travel tales and high drama, and confirmed that indeed, we will make strong efforts to see one another often…now that WE LIVE IN HOLLYWOOD! Yeah! They’ve also suggested (after I insisted) that we might be able to go sailing w/ them one of these days, as Chris is now trained/licensed, whatever it is that is needed for you to brave the ocean blue. I’m very excited. Chris also gave me a brief bit of info on the screenplay he’s been charging away on for the past several years. A part for me? Hell, I don’t know, but I do want to work w/ him again.

Well, it appears as though my allergy sleeping pill has begun to kick in. I’ve been battling something for the past week…I don’t think it’s a cold, merely allergy related, cuz in general I feel fine. But, I’ve been hacking up shit, coughing through the night, and have sounded like either Brenda Vaccarro or the pimply-faced teen from The Simpsons for the past many days. My voice goes in and out and in and out. Great for the interview today…truly. I think this is the first time my voice has ever done this wacky see-saw.

This will be posted on Tuesday…so enjoy this glimpse into my recent past.


Ha, it was posted on Saturday, not Tuesday. Neat. I'm a time traveller.

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Hollywood, California, United States
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