Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Take That Sigourney Weaver!

This is a bunch of random thought/blog entries that never got posted. Already out of date, but I'm sure you'll find the richness and absolute joy within. Thanks so much. So, from here on out, if I write something and post it much later, it will appear in italics. Isn't that nifty.

We walk over her star on the Walk of Fame, every time we take a journey to Long’s Drug, just a block away. A bit strange…We also pass by the likes of Kenny Loggins, Faye Dunaway (Mommie Dearest herself), Oliver Stone, and I think Alfred Hitchcock is in there too (as well as the other dozens we must stampede across to get where we’re going). All for a trip to the corner drug store…to retrieve a wine-opener, perhaps. If we drank, which we do…sometimes; on occasion. Found out yesterday that w/in a mile, we have a Target, Best Buy, and the all important 99 Cent Only Stores. We’ve discovered this place in our almost, then pretty much, then not-so-much, then just kind of homelessness state. And now, even though we have a roof over our heads, one of our very own (except that we’re renters again), we fully intend to heavily shop our way through the 99 Cent Only Store whenever we need to stock up. Just yesterday, while we were out buying the millions of items needed when you enter a new abode (especially when some of the necessities are still in storage in far-away Phoenix), we spent about 50 bucks at this place…and believe me, we got A LOT of stuff for that amount of money. Everything from a tape measure to some kind of Windex knock off to some kick-ass cereal bowls…everything for under a buck. It’s a sweet place, fo’ sho’. And if you think it’s below you, think again. The one near us has the most varied clientele I’ve ever seen @ one of these places. Snooty Beverly Hills housewives, extremely fit and appetizing jocks, little old ladies w/ their social security checks, large Jewish families complete with a Rabbi, and everything in between…including us. No matter where our finances go, we will be loyal to these places for the rest of our time on this earth. Beware, however, as some of the “deals” they are selling for under a buck, actually are worth a great deal less. That’s how they get you. Be wise by shopping there, but be wiser by being smart while inside.

Just came back from Amoeba Music. It’s 10 times the size of our old used DVD/CD/LP place back in Chicago…the wondermous Reckless Records. Will have to return there when we have more time and more money for that matter.

We’re finding it a bit odd, each day as we leave the house, we realize our neighborhood is Hollywood. That’s gonna take some getting used to.

So, some dimwit maintenance guy (apparently new) in our new place cleaned our carpet the day we moved in. Have I already blogged on this? I don’t know, nor do I care at this time. Anyway, the carpet was soaked, and was still damp up until yesterday (we moved in Thursday night, btw). It’s also been stinking…quite a bit. Not pleasant, when you have no other room to escape to…this is a studio after all. So we got the head maintenance dude to come in and re-clean (properly this time, apparently the dimwit maintenance guy did this in two other units), and set up the big dryers (using our outlets—that’ll be a nice first bill), but it still stinks. He’s coming by tomorrow to spread the love of baking soda (or is it powder—how stupid, I’ve seen this in my own cupboards for years and I can’t tell you what it is) and then hopefully vacuum up the nasty reek. Don’t get me wrong. The smell has subsided over the past days (or have we gotten used to it?), so it hasn’t been unbearable. But, certain moments will bring a big waft of air to your nostrils, and…oh, that’s nice. If the carpet can’t be fixed, we may just be ahead of our schedule to take it up anyway. We were shopping for flooring at IKEA today, and found something we’re very interested in. We’ll see how this all pans out. Also, we picked up paint samples, and have talked to our property manager about the changes we want to make. He said he will put something in writing to confirm that we will not be held responsible for the changes once we move out…which will be, who knows when? Besides, I think we all know that any changes the other half and I make to this place will only increase it’s rental potential and the dollar amount that could be gotten as well…that is, unless we stay here forever. I suspect we’ll be here for some time to come, thus the changes we will make will be for us and for us only. Take that.

More random, useless updates to come.

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a little bit 'bout klugula...

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Hollywood, California, United States
I like zombies...A LOT.

Oh dear Lord! It's the klugulablog archives!