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Friday, August 08, 2008

John; You Jackass!

The timing is your horrible behaviour on the day of the Olympics' Opening Ceremonies. Makes sense to me; cuz even this bomb dropped will not out-media the Olympics. John. You're a jackass, and I'm disgusted by your lies. I would expect continuous BS and lying from most politicians, but would never have expected this from you. I always liked you. Watching some coverage on MSNBC, I agree w/ one of the correspondents. This just further distances the general public from politics and politicians...and not at a good time. The record number of voters, and the hype over the primaries; in both parties, was something to behold and be proud of. Now, one of the major players turns out to be a snake. I'm reminded of a line from the film The Intervention (a piece I was a part of years ago). New to the group of friends in the film, Katrina confronts another character who has made a pass at her. She is disgusted and says to him, "You're married, and you have a kid!" I want to pass this along to Edwards. Something like, "You're married, to a woman with terminal cancer, you have children and you prop yourself up to be so moral and mighty." I have no doubt that this child of the mistress, WILL turn out to be Edwards' spawn. I'm so tired of these politicians. I don't expect complete good from everyone, but for Goddsake, these people in the public eye have to know that they'll never, ever get away w/ these shenanigans. I don't get it. Shame on you, John Edwards. Your career, or career aspirations are over.

Here's a link.

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