Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Latest Obsession

I have some ideas.

I'm currently watching Poltergeist for the third time in the past couple of days. Can't get enough of that wonderful Duff.

Of course you're wondering, "Is it really just after 10pm on New Year's Eve; and Klug is watching Poltergeist for the third time in the past couple of days?"...

You would be right. I have to be up @ 7am; to be to work @ 9am. I'm staying up for the midnight hour, and by 12:05, I'll be in bed. That's how it works in the retail world, folks. And I do need my forty winks. Thanks Yvonne DeCarlo.

However, the other half and I had a wonderful day today; saw a movie (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button), did some shopping and had two fun meals out. I had today off; just not tomorrow. Kind of a useless day off, then, right?

Tomorrow is my three month @ the job. Neat. Had my first really horrendous day there yesterday. If I would have had one more return or demanding customer, I would surely have lost my mind. Our credit card system also went down...twice. It was nice to have a customer come to our rescue, when a different customer began to complain about the wait, how her legs hurt, etc. Of course, the defending customer then took it upon herself to say something about the "mean" customer being from another country (a thick accent). Can't win 'em all, I guess.

Simon Baker script? Don't make me laugh. It's amazing how little work has been done. I haven't looked at it in about a month. I think the day job has taken over. And, to top it all off, an inventory next week. I just can't wait.

"I don't know what hovers over this house..."

The project w/ friend Chris is on hiatus; since Chris and his wife Ami went to AL for the holidays. We plan to pick up again upon their return.

My new website has also been put aside. I'm just chock-full of productive news.

BTW, next up will be my blog from Christmas Eve...written while we were away...and now just published for your boredom.

It’s a Major Award

Here we are in Rincon, California. It’s Christmas Eve. I still have one more day off before returning to work on Friday…in the afternoon. So much time off. It feels as though we’ve been here forever; but in actuality; only since yesterday afternoon. Buffet times two; which means bloated times two. We’re relaxing in the hotel room right now, enjoying that wonderful tradition of A Christmas Story; played for 24 hours on TBS. How I love this movie.

Later on, we’ll return to the casino floor for another bout w/ Gamblor…and some more food. Then tomorrow, when the traffic is @ its lowest (I’m assuming and hoping), we’ll find our way home.

Admittedly, this is no traditional family Christmas, but it’s everything I could have hoped for. 3 days of not thinking about work, or obligations. Wonderful.

Electric sex gleaming in the window.

I’m glad the year is coming to a close. It’s been a wacky one for sure; so I’m happy to put it all behind us. I didn’t get Christmas letters out this year again, and the buildup to the big day is gone; so I doubt I’ll be on top of it and just get it out late. That’s two years in a row. Not to fear, I’ll be on it next season…but that’s what I said last year. Whatever, we’ll see.

This won’t be published until tomorrow; since we don’t have internet access @ the hotel (at least not w/out paying for it).

My insurance @ work becomes effective @ the beginning of the month, and it’ll sure be nice to have that security. The other half will be included as well. Of course a hefty chunk of each paycheck will be needed. Oh well.

I am in desperate need of a manicure.

Apparently, the final season of Battlestar Galactica is on deck. I simply must catch up to prep for this ending.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was a 3 hour sob-fest. I would give it a 9...not perfect, but definitely worth my time. Awesome performances. I consider this to be Brad Pitt's The Aviator. The Aviator was my first glimpse of a DiCaprio performance where I didn't see "Leo" the entire time. He became lost in the character...this was Pitt's time. His "persona" (whatever that is) was there, but only part of the time. He was truly great. The surrounding story brought back memories of the awful "children" subplot in The Bridges of Madison County. It was distracting, if needed. A few other minor complaints couldn't keep me from weeping like a child. It was a great love story, and the two leads were just stunning. I think I have run out of adjectives. I must have used "great" at least a thousand times in the last paragraph. I'm too lazy to change it, so forgive.

My greatest find shopping today? A small counter promotional standee for Crimes of Passion (one of my all time faves--starring Kathleen Turner and Anthony Perkins); the video release. 5 bucks. Nice.

Well, I better get ready for bed; the New Year is almost upon us. I guess a list of resolutions could be in the cards; especially since I did so wonderfully with the list from last year. But I'm not bitter.

So long 2008. Good riddance.

BTW, when Pitt was "old" in Benjamin Button, he was adorable. When Pitt was in his youthful "James Dean" stage, he was simply do-able. Yowza.

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