Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Way We Were

That title just seemed appropriate. It sounds nostalgic and long ago... It works, since I haven't blogged in almost 3 weeks, but it doesn't mean I'm writing about long ago things...I'm staying current dammit!

The other half and I have been planning a trip to Vegas for a couple of months; maybe longer (excluding our fun overnight one w/ friend Chris at the end of May)...and we leave next Wednesday. Less than a week away. I've been counting down since that end of May journey. I'm so excited! We are going to celebrate our 10 year anniversary. Yes, TEN! Hard to believe, but true. We've booked 5 free (yes, FREE) nights @ our favorite home away from home; Ceasar's Palace. The only thing we have for actual plans; is our 8pm reservation @ Aureole @ Mandalay Bay on the 27th (the actual big day). Other than that, we will go where the day takes us. Much more my speed. I like to have some things planned, but this trip I made it clear that I wanted no schedule of any kind. That; in and of itself, is the most relaxing thing possible. No obligations means no obligations! Yeah!

Work has been fine. I'm now past 8 months w/ the company, and probably close to a month (I think), since my demotion. I don't love the pay cut, but MAN, do I love not being a manager. All escalated problems just move right past me. Very nice. Love it. The other half is past 4 months @ his gig, and all seems well w/ the world. DO NOT INSERT JINX HERE.

That brilliant script idea I had a few weeks ago, finally saw the light of day when I cranked out 6 pages on it on half an hour. That's right. Probably a lot of garbage, but it's down on to speak. I think it's a good idea, but we'll see how it pans out. It's not zombie related, so my brain may find it difficult to switch gears.

Still have not heard back from many folks about the Baker script. I wanted that feedback before I began a third draft, but will have to plow ahead w/ fewer notes than I wanted. Something about people having lots going on in their lives. I guess I understand, but am still frowning. That's not meant to be a guilt trip, but take it as you like. :) I'm still grateful!

I received some feedback on Sid's Apple. The other half's boss was in the biz for 20 some years, so she agreed to take a look. Some of her comments I already had lingering on the back burner of my brain, but others will prove to be helpful. One of the main things she suggested is that I need to tell the reader (i.e. a producer or director) immediately what is going on, not provide the slow burn of letting it out as the story goes on. Something in there; akin to "Unbeknownst to Sid, something is happening". That seems difficult to me, but I'll see what I can do. She also recommended that I get rid of any "direction". I thought I had, but even "Sid turns left out of the hospital" is apparently a no-no as well. One more task to add to my never-ending creative project to-do list!

I'm listening to the 80's channel on the tellie. You soooo needed to know that.

Saw a few movies over the past weeks, which are worth mentioning.

Tropic Thunder. Quite a treat. Great script. Tom Cruise was fascinating to watch, but Jack Black was my favorite. The "I'll even swallow the gravy" monologue was absolutely hysterical! I really enjoyed this. Of course, Robert Downey, Jr. totally deserved his Oscar nom. He was nominated, wasn't he? Also, I loved the trailers at the beginning of the film. Brilliant!

Ink. This was a stunner. Friend Wendy informed me that this film starred her old college roomie, and was filmed in Denver on a shoestring budget. Last Wednesday, it had its LA premiere. On top of that; dear friend Libby moved to LA last week, and she knew someone else in the we had two recommendations. So we went. Part Dark City, part The Matrix, and a bit of Hellraiser mixed in, and you get the idea. Visually, this was eye-poppingly brilliant. I don't want to give away too much, other than it is a battle between good and evil; all surrounding a little girl and her estranged father. Nightmares, two intertwining dimensions, lots of creepy bad guys, and heroic, breathtaking action sequences. This is an indie film? You've got to be kidding me! Other than a couple of bad performances which were able to jerk me back to reality every time they came on screen, this film was a major achievement. It's a sobering indicator of what can be done w/ very little. Honestly, most of the visuals rival anything the big studios could put out there. A great movie-going experience. Here's a link to the site; and trailer. Yeah, Ink! BTW, it was AWESOME to see Libby after about 14 years. Welcome to LA, girl!

Also, there was a faboo Q & A w/ the director, DP, producer, and the majority of the main cast following the film. So much insight, inspiration and wonderful anecdotes. The little girl (who was just amazing) reminded me of my niece. Made me miss my girls. Anyway...

Fido. Billy Connolly as a domesticated zombie in the Leave it to Beaver 50's; following the Zombie War. Isn't that enough to get you to take a look? Okay, I'll add that the cast includes Carrie Anne Moss and Dylan Baker. Still not enough? Suggested zombie/human relationships and sex. There, now go get it.

My beloved Kathy Griffin is back on Bravo w/ a new season of My Life on the D-List. But, she's hardly D-list any longer. The first two episodes have followed her as she tries to learn the ropes of being an A-lister...spending entire days w/ the likes of Bette Midler and Lily Tomlin. Loving it so far. Go Kathy!

The other half and I have now been in our apartment over a year. All of the year milestones have been reached already. March 31st; a year since we left Chicago. May 4th; a year since we arrived in LA. And June 13th; a year in our apartment. Time marches on...Can't I please get something done?

I turn 35 this year. Lord.

Finally, I met up w/ friend Justin last week to help out w/ some adt'l AD duties for his web-series Big Bother...which is to premiere very soon. I also provided a voice for one of the characters. Twas fun. Looking forward to seeing it online!

Well, I best start getting ready for another day @ work. The grind is a-callin'.

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a little bit 'bout klugula...

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Hollywood, California, United States
I like zombies...A LOT.

Oh dear Lord! It's the klugulablog archives!