Are You Trying to Piss Me Off?
I've got a few gripes to get off of my chest, so I appreciate your taking the time to read. My pain equals your entertainment...
Had a customer today who was an absolute bitch. Some ancient woman, who apparently didn't get the immediate attention she needed or deserved. It's not as if we were ignoring her; we were all with other customers. I finished w/ my current customer, turned to her, and asked if she wanted to pay for the large decorative plate she had placed on the counter. She replied with a pointed, "No, I need help." I went around to her, apologized for the delay; explaining that we were all helping someone. She responded with, "You weren't helping anyone." My response of head shaking and jaw dropping was just automatic. I helped her w/ her needs and then began to wrap her items. My co-worker started to assist w/ the wrapping. However, we were down to one tape dispenser which still had some masking tape on it (we're waiting on our supply order), so we had to share. Rather than take the entire ONE remaining dispenser to my side of the cashwrap, I grabbed a couple of pieces of tape and went back to my side. The crazy, ancient psycho bitch woman, now felt the need to tell me how to do my job. She asked me, "Why don't you bring the tape over to this side?" Let's keep in mind that my dear co-worker, Wendy, was also using this tape. Did I mention that? My response to the bitch (not in a sarcastic, but a firm tone) was this, "I think I've got everything under control, thank you." She then requested some assistance to her car. I advised that we have a loading dock in the back; since it's generally frowned upon for us to leave the store; and help people to their cars; even if they're parked "right out front" (it never is that; they're a block or so down the street--this is what we have a loading dock in the back for; no traffic, and no rush...and frankly, NO DANGER TO OUR EMPLOYEES--you stupid bitch!). Anyway, Wendy agreed to help her out, and Wendy got an earful, apparently about how "arrogant" I am. Boy, this ancient bitch; who apparently only leaves her Beverly Hills mansion to cause mayhem and misery in her fellow man, certainly read me. If I'm anything, it's arrogant. Kudos to you, stupid bitch lady (thanks for that terminology, Ryan Harris). Let me also point out that her package couldn't have been more than a couple of pounds. Am I being insensitive about her possible old-age, can't lift a plastic bag, handicap? Maybe. But I'm pissed, and her ridiculous and disrespectful sense of entitlement allows me to be a bastard to her. So, my horrible, vengeful thoughts are out there. As I've heard another co-worker say about a customer..."God is watching you, and he knows what you're doing."
While I had a great day in sales @ the store, more wackiness occurred after stupid bitch lady made her way back out our doors; just before my lunch break. This was one of those moments I knew would arrive; but certainly not this quickly. I was so excited for that first time I could say to a customer "yes, I'll be happy to get a manager for you"; cuz, well I am no longer I can pawn off the BIG problems to someone making more money than I am...certainly when they ask for a higher-up. Well, a BIG TIME HIGHER UP showed up unexpectedly; while the three remaining persons working this evening, were all engaged w/ other customers. So, apparently, cuz we didn't greet this person, and didn't get to them immediately, we had a "bad visit", and provided "bad customer service". A few thoughts. One: You visit; let's say; about 10 times a year. In general, we get great reviews (or so I understand; I'm no longer privy to anything as a mere full time peon). I imagine that we have 80% good visits, but we never hear about those...only the "bad visits". BS. Two: Had we been standing around, and in no way acknowledged your presence; whether we knew who you were, or didn't know who you were...then that might be worth having a "problem". We were helping others. Frankly, I didn't know who you were, so you would have had to wait until I was done w/ my current customer. Finally, I would give anything for these higher ups (certainly I don't know the backgrounds of these folks, so I should shut up, but won't) to spend 10 or so work days in our shoes. Get a glance a the type of days we can possibly have. Hectic, with nasty customers and running around like a chicken w/ its head chopped off. Yes, there are more lowkey days, and perhaps that is when you visited before; thus allowing us to kiss your behind to your liking. But, then there are those days when it's a major task to just keep our sanity. Try it, and then let me know if that changes your outlook on our menial jobs. But what do I know, I'm only on the front lines of your company...taking hits like demotions (basically only cuz "shit rolls downhill"), pay cuts and loss of bonuses, while I'm sure you're still living high off the hog. Let's have a little more knowledge and respect for your makes us happier, and lets you go to bed at night w/ some good karma.
Is this day trying to piss me off?
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