Happy Birthday to Me!
You may believe this title to be a reference to the early 80's slasher film starring Little House on the Prairie's Melissa Sue Anderson; which goes by that name, and surprisingly, something I've never seen, but no. You would be wrong. It is a shameful plug for this; the day that begins my 35th year of life on this earth of ours. It is also the title for this epic update of my life, and one of my ever-dwindling number of blog entries. I just don't feel it lately. You'll move on. We'll be happy and free.
Per the "Corey Hotline"...let's see what's in the newspaper today. (If you get that reference, I'd love to read about it)
Sorry to see Walter Kronkite pass. I've done little to mark the loss of so many in the past weeks...Michael Jackson, my darling angel Farrah Fawcett, Karl Malden and Billy Mays. While the latter was always annoying, he was also a staple...as well as kind of a hot bear. :) There were tears shed over Michael, just for the fact that he was always around, looking for that comeback, and spreading the magic of his bizarre life. I loved Al Sharpton's words to his children on the day of his memorial @ the Staples Center. "Your daddy was not strange...he was surrounded by strange events". That's not the exact quote, and being the ever-lazy sloth I am, I refuse to open another window and look it up. But you all know what I'm talking about...unless you've been under a rock. So my kudos to all of these recent dead folks...
In domestic news; i.e. news in my own household where domestic chores are completed on a yearly basis...we're pigs, people! We returned from our dynamic trip to Sin City; to have the other half fired from his gig. My understanding from his expanation, was that his brilliant streamlining of the system in the credit department, basically knocked him out of a job. So efficient had it become, that he was no longer needed. Such is life. We've so been down this road in the past couple of years, that it took us about 3.5 minutes to get over it. Yes, I timed it. Meanwhile, my job has been going well. I am, as far as I can tell, one of the top salespeople in our district/region, whatever the hell it is. There has also been talk about possibly moving me back up to a management position. More on that as it happens...or doesn't happen. Hmm.
I've made it official. I've "given up" acting. Not that I won't take opportunities as they may arise, but I've decided to not currently pursue it (cuz I've been SO motivated to do so since we arrived in LA). I will focus on writing and getting my scripts out there; either by me, or by some major studio who wants to pay me to shoot my brilliant scripts. Whatever. I've got so many projects on my plate, acting and getting headshots and auditioning just have to take a backseat.
Hello? Is anybody out there?
So, how about some writing updates?
Neat, huh?
Sid's Apple hasn't had so much as a facelift in the past year. I should really take a look.
Me & Simon Baker. I'm still waiting on a few folks to provide feedback on the second draft (including the other half, you lazy ass! :) ) I need to get a third draft underway soon, as I plan to get some query letters in the mail in the next week (part of my plans on these current 3 days I have off for my b-day). In fact, I have completed the actual writing of the letter, have requested that a few friends in "the biz", read up and possibly provide a nice reference/blurb for the piece, and have submitted ONE query letter via email to a small boutique agency. Hey, it's better than nothing.
My third feature script hasn't gotten much face time lately, either. I think I've gotten about 14 pages (it's been so long, I really can't remember) written, and the last few pages were added nearly a month ago. Where the f*** does the time go, seriously?
I have officially dubbed Chris McCaleb my "writing partner", and we had another meeting over this last weekend. He and wife Ami hosted a sleepover last Saturday, where we consumed beverages, food and 4 films. In addition, the 6 months of brainstorming and meetings we have already had, found us writing several pages on the idea we plan to move ahead on. Holy bad grammar. Alas. It's a pretty sweet idea, and I believe the excitement level we share, confirms this is the "go-ahead" idea. Very exciting.
Now those four films. Two of Chris's selections (both keenly related to our script idea) and two zombie films (not related at all, but by brute force, something I had to make Chris watch; as he was a virgin to both); made for some awesome viewing pleasure. My films were Day of the Dead and Land of the Dead. Chris seemed to like Day of the Dead better, and I haven't viewed my all time fave in over a year. So, seeing it through Chris's eyes, made for a great time for me...same for Land of the Dead. Chris's choices were Invasion (a very fun sci-fi howler w/ Campbell Scott in the lead), and Europa (a marvelously visual film which I can't believe I had never seen before).
But the real fun was sitting down and actually writing several pages for the introduction scene of our story. We've got a very good start, not to mention a strong outline of where things will go. Characters and locales are laid out, and we are moving along. Of course, we both took home one scene each to work through, and were to have it "done" by week's end. What is today? Oh yes, Saturday. I'm super. We've also laid down the law for a rough draft...September 12th...less than a month away. What were we thinking? :)
Last night found us in Van Nuys, attending a party @ friends Pat and Jon. A bunch of college friends...some of whom I've seen recently, some I saw a year ago, and some I last saw probably 15 years ago. Wow. I'm friggin' old. Give me a few drinks, and this is where I laid it all on the table...asking my friends in "the biz" (as I mentioned above) for assistance. I find the alcohol levels make it easier for me to be bold, irritating and needy...how about you? Anyway, Doreen (whom I haven't seen in a thousand years) was in town, and I certainly talked her ear off. So to all who "enjoyed" my rantings last night, thanks!
Well, today is my birthday. I don't feel as though 35 is any different, but it feels like some kind of "getting older" milestone. I'm not really phased by it, nor was I by the 3-0. Truth be told, I am VERY afraid of the next one. Seriously, what have I gotten done in my life; to be this close to 40? For Godssake, my 20 year high school reunion is a mere 2 1/2 years away. What's that about?
Luckily, I do have a solid relationship w/ the other half (even though he drives me absolutely crazy), a job, food on the table, friends who love me and whom I love, a roof over my head, creative ideas still working their way from my brain to reality, and a working knowledge of bad 80's movies. All in all, I've got it pretty good, and I wish I could remember that more often. I think at the heart of things, I'm a pretty sappy, sensitive guy, and hope the jaded wackiness of my new home in LA doesn't end up getting the better of me.
Well, to end this all up...let me just say that the latest episode of Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List; in which she played w/ the time and nerves of a realtor in Miami; really threw me for a loop. Of course I know that many reality programs are set up, but her behaviour in the "house-hunting" episode, really did kind of piss me off. Either that realtor was a truly undiscovered acting talent, or she was really ticked off. I vote for the latter. It seemed to be a step over the line; which is actually odd to mention when talking about Kathy Griffin. I was embarrassed for her, and I think it was a bad prank misfire. I still love her, but that one left a bad taste in my mouth.
Finally, I need money. Who wants to produce my films? Hook me up, dammit.
Shortly, we're off for my birthday dinner at one of our local faves...Pig-N-Whistle.
BTW, we've watched the first 2 episodes of Hung on HBO. So far, so good. Thomas Jane will have to be added to my Stew of Sin. You know it.
Also, let me publicly wish good luck to my friends/co-workers Wendy and Ian, on their new romantic endeavors. Good luck! This is not a jinx.
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