Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Wine & Cheese

The other half and I are about to embark on some wine drinking and cheese eating; here @ home. And why not? We've gussied up our place in the past two weeks; and we're loving our upgraded space.

It all started when friends Ami and Chris discussed the fact that their current apartment has gone through some transformations lately. The other half and I have always considered our current home as a temporary one; a sentiment shared by Chris and Ami back @ their homestead. Well, shit...we've been in our space close to two years now. We're in no position to buy a home; and have no intentions of moving until that day comes, so why not make things more homey in the meantime? Our belongings are still encased in (what must seem) a tomb in Phoenix. A tomb to our precious possessions. Will they ever see the light of day again? Hard to tell.

Anyway, we've accumulated quite a few new things since we landed in LA (May 4th will be 2 years--insane). Two weekends ago, I suggested we move things around a bit, just to add a little balance in our miniscule studio apartment. That set off a chain reaction of "making our space more liveable"; which has now been going on for about 2 weeks. New nightstands (I say nightstands when I mean those all-purpose 8 buck tables from IKEA), a nifty little bistro table and chairs (a steal from the ever-reliable IKEA), a new bedding set, a new shower curtain and rugs, some new plant life; and several other fun (but affordable) additions. We've moved around the art and accessories we purchased (thanks to the closing of two Z Gallerie locations last year--90% off EVERYTHING), actually putting thought into their placement. We have a shelving unit and a large wicker chair and an easel (courtesy of some fortunate dumpster diving in our own building). We also have some other great small furniture pieces through the folks at the Goodwill and some local rummage sales. All in all, we've done a great job w/ what we have. It DOES feel more like home; even though my toys and movie collections are sizzling away in the AZ sun.

On another front, the apartment next door (the one we've been pining for over the last 6 months or so) remains empty. What's going on, you ask? Give a holler out to our property manager, and you'll get the same answer we always do. "It's being worked on." Well, the place is done, and it looks great. We've no idea of a price, so it may not be ours even if we wanted it. We then found out (a couple of days ago) that another apartment down the hall was recently renovated as well (dishwasher, new appliances, granite countertops, new--fabulous cupboards, hardwood floors). It's done, and we've seen it. We want THAT ONE. It's a larger studio than what we are currently in. All the glorious new finishes are eye-catching and spark some envy. We want it. No idea on price for that. However, we figure we can up our rent amount by a bit; if we were to finally get our possessions out of storage...thus saving our funds from the storage to be used toward a new monthly rent amount. Get it? So that's all up in the air. We've decided that if we don't get some kind of answer in the near future; about a possible other apartment in our building; that we'll continue to "settle in" further; into our current place. Possibly get our stuff from storage; stay at the same rent amount, paint some walls, etc.

The other half has emerged from the shower. Thanks...there's that first glass of wine.

I so rarely blog anymore, this seems quite foreign to me. I also realize that this long-ass blog will turn away my avid readers of 0. Too much crap...and not in an economical bite size. My apologies.

The work front hasn't really changed. The company now has provided me with what I will call a "strike two". I didn't get that Asst. Manager job (whether I wanted it or not), and I'm happy that the "drama" has pretty much died down. However, I may forgive; but I will not forget. I've been screwed over twice now...and that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But, I am still pretty much happy there (it's almost a year and a half for me now). Although, my "bad" days; those moments when I lose patience w/ unruly customers; have definitely found more frequency. Buyer beware; indeed.

My writing has been progressing nicely...or not. I have had a couple of interesting dreams; sparking some great new ideas. However, I've not acted on them, and have done little on existing projects. I don't know what my deal is. Almost three weeks ago, I had a lengthy meeting w/ my writing partner. We discovered that we were further along than we had remembered, and vowed to have a rough draft; come hell or highwater, by March 7th (Oscar night). This means that the pathetic amounts of work I have done over the past 3 weeks, must be put to shame by the amount of work I must complete in the next 9 days (is it?--Jeez). We've got some fabulous structure and it's a golden idea; so why can't I get something done? I'm just infuriated w/ my own sloth. Not liking myself much right now.

I've even placed a large handwritten sign on our fridge stating, "Sunday March 7th--'Tonight' is due!!" Clearly a very strong motivator.

Gouda cheese is "gooda" indeed.

Yes, I am ready for another glass of wine.

In family news, my mother closed on her first home (as a single lady). She'll be slowly moving over the next few months; obviously going faster once the weather lets poor SD folks! I'm very proud of her. I think most of my family (including me) gave her very little credit for self-suffiency after my dad died. It took some time, but I think she's proven that she can make it on her own. I'm anxious to find the perfect housewarming gift for her; once she's in the new space. She leaves behind the home that I grew up in; and that weirds me out a bit. It leaves little reason for me to return to Lead/Deadwood (other than as a tourist--of course--the place is FRIGGIN' FUN!). She's off to Rapid City; where she'll be closer to needed conveniences, her grandchildren, and a more full social life. Good for you Mom! Love you!

In other news, the other half found a great deal on "GroupOn". Not sure if you're aware of this place, but they offer generous discounts; if lots of folks sign up. So I got a sitting for new headshots (a value of 250 bucks) for only 60 bucks. Of course, I'm not really pursuing acting heavily (okay, not at all), but it will be nice to get some new shots; for a bargain...just so they're at the ready. I'm really excited about them.

Not much else going life; going to work...moping about my shortcomings; and wishing I could find my muse to get some serious writing done. I guess it happens when it happens...or when I push for it; just to meet that deadline of Oscar night. Dammit.

Thanks y'all.

That is all.

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a little bit 'bout klugula...

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Hollywood, California, United States
I like zombies...A LOT.

Oh dear Lord! It's the klugulablog archives!