Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

What the Hell?

Hey blogging history has been permanently scarred by my recent absence. I can't change the time/date listings to make it look like I've been here on blogspot; and it has been well over a month since I last posted. For shame! Facebook has taken over my life; and basically the "blogging" part of my brain. I guess I get my blog fix by my mini-gripes/updates via FB. Things have transformed, but I feel as though I need to keep up somewhat on my blog; month long absence or NOT! I'm loyal that way.

Watching a little HGTV; on this; the first day of my three day weekend.

Friend Mr. Brownlee called me Friday night and wanted to know if I could come to a screenwriting seminar as his guest (free of charge) taught by his boss; Ms. Julie Gray. Check out her link here. I finagled my way out of my shift today (which is better; as I will now get 8 full hours of pay; rather than the 6 hours I was scheduled for), and spent a fabulous 6 hours w/ 9 other students. Great fun, and considering how long it's been since I spent time in a classroom environment, amazing how I stayed awake. Of course, we were learning and discussing screenwriting, so how could I not? Julie is an excellent teacher; and certainly keeps your attention. Lots of fun details, lots of realizations that I have plenty of work to do on my current and former projects, and lots of inspiration. I have a second day tomorrow; and am thrilled to go back. I've always been told that you should take any coursework or books on screenwriting; w/ a grain of salt. I agree w/ that, but I have found plenty in this course so far; and even found some new brainstorm ideas for the Simon Baker script. So well worth my time. Thanks Brownlee and Julie!

The co-project w/ Mr. McCaleb is moving along swimmingly. We are on the verge of a second draft for the project (due this coming Wednesday--following an extension on our previous deadline--this last Wednesday). We have also written some trailers (which we are definitely planning to shoot--sometime), researched plenty of trailer/poster art inspiration, and continued to be TOTALLY JAZZED about this collaboration. I feel (as does my writing partner) that we have something very good going here. Yeah, us!

I started a new script a few weeks ago; cranking out about 10 pages (if I recall--it's been a bit since I revisited it), using inspiration from a dream about The Addams Family, no less.

I'm kind of bummed at the moment, cuz (as usual), I have about 100 projects floating around in my head, but I find it difficult to focus on more than (maybe) two at a time. So everything else just sits on the back burner; staring at me; wondering when they're gonna get their time in the boiling water. How'd you like that analogy? I'm tired, so cut me some slack--this seminar was awesome, but my brain is fuh-ried!

I've now been @ the Z for over a year and a half. Stunningly, I'm NOT MISERABLE! I'm shocked about this; cuz other jobs (by now) would have worn me out. Don't get me wrong; I've had plenty of crappy days; but I have loyal clients and constant celeb sightings. Most recently, I sold furniture to Paul Anka. How's that for a job perk? Of course, I'd settle for a raise. :)

Mom's moved to Rapid City finally. It weirds me out to know that soon, my childhood home will be sold. But I'm glad that she'll be on to a better future. She'll be closer to family, and certainly will have a more fulfilling social life. For you see, when winter hits Lead/Deadwood; things tend to STOP. Rapid City's a bit more forgiving. Very proud of Mom...

My website (have you lazy asses visited it yet?) is under forever-construction. Someday it will be completed, but don't hold your breath. Just go visit it as is, and give me some feedback. That would be nifty.

My Stew of Sin (patent pending) series has suffered over the past month of non-blogging. I've got a few souls to add to my water party; but that'll be in a different entry.

We're a few days away from exactly 2 years since we arrived in LA. Remember that craziness two years ago, when the other half and I were residents of Phoenix for two weeks? A lifetime ago. We're happy here, but still wanting to settle somewhere more permanently. We've enjoyed our studio; but I'm ready to get a "real" place, get all of my things around me, and settle in to old age. Ha!

I turn 36 in a few months. Lord. Old age...

Been watching tons of South Park, Star Trek: The Next Generation and The Cosby Show reruns; not to mention the current seasons of V, RuPaul's Drag Race, The Amazing Race and Cougar Town. So much television; and yet I don't feel like we're as attached as we used to be. The magic of DVR, I guess. Watching whenever you want, and not being tied down to a time frame is truly the wave of the future.

Oh, and finally, a few of the brilliant customer service issues of the past weeks.

It's truck day; and our back door is wide open. I'm behind a wall when I hear, "Hello? Excuse me?" I come out and ask what I can do for her. "Where's the Crate and Barrel pickup". I explain that it's just up the alley a bit. "What do I do? Is there a buzzer?" STOP. I don't know, as I don't work for their company. What do these people expect from me? Go away...far away, and don't ever come to my back door again. For you see, I HATE YOU. Okay, I just told her I didn't know, but I did say it here, so that's all that counts.

So these two bitter, aging queens popped in to inquire about our gift registry. We recently got rid of our in-store system, and it is now online (which I would assume would be much easier for EVERYONE). Well, apparently not for them. When I explained that it was all online now, one of the queens "harumphed", stating, "Well that doesn't make any sense. Crate and Barrel has a computer in their store." Here we are again. We ARE NOT Crate and Barrel; and we do things differently. I don't know how other businesses operate, nor do I have any control over changes made by our corporate offices. I just follow the rules; as any good peon would do. So get out my face!

BTW, how much work would it be to combine my MySpace pages (not that I'm ever really there anymore)? I've got my personal page and my "not my mess films" page. I don't want two pages to sort of upkeep. :) Or should I just rid of them completely? Suggestions?

I'm off for the evening. Hope you've found reading this blog as tedious as I've found writing it.

That is all.

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a little bit 'bout klugula...

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Hollywood, California, United States
I like zombies...A LOT.

Oh dear Lord! It's the klugulablog archives!