Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mr. Halloran...what is in room 1384?

I’ll field that, Danny.  Two bloated queens celebrating brainlessness in every possible way.

The other half and I are in Rincon.  It’s an Indian reservation in the mountains…just north of San Diego, about 2 hours south of LA.  We’ve been here numerous times in the past.  It’s a casino, hotel and resort.  We’ve been here since Tuesday and will be checking out tomorrow (please note, this is being written Friday night, but will not be posted until Saturday).  We have limited internet access.  It’s available @ the hotel, but for a fee (how is there ANY charge for wi-fi in this day and age?)  So we paid for one day and remained disconnected for the remainder of the stay.

We’ve been watching tons of television.  Lots of MSNBC (keeping tabs on the Romney Tax Return situations) and then we woke up this morning to the news of the Colorado movie theatre tragedy.

It’s an awful thing to watch unfold and we sat in front of the tube for HOURS today. 

I have a few thoughts.  Some may sound harsh in light of what has happened, but I need to get them off my chest. With no Facebook @ my current disposal, this is my outlet.

I’m obviously reminded of Columbine (as is everyone w/ a brain), and the main problem I have is this.  I was so outraged by the events of Columbine. Of course no one yet knows what this Holmes character’s motivation was, but the Columbine shooter’s motives were made relatively clear. They were bullied.  This was their retaliation.  While I certainly had some dark thoughts in my high school days of constant gay-bashing, I never acted on them.  These Columbine shooters were wimps.  That was my thought when it first happened, and that still holds true.  The fact that they turned their guns on themselves, further confirmed my “you are giant wimps” theory.  I’m THRILLED that this Holmes character is alive…not because of his possible needs/wants for 15 minutes of fame, but because he can see the aftermath of his actions.  Of course, if he is a sociopath/psychopath, he won’t feel the remorse.  I PRAY that this dude finds swift justice and severe punishment.  Finally, on the topic of Holmes, what a fucking loser.

Next:  On all of the news coming out from Aurora…there is constant reporting of “one of the victims was a 3-month old child.”  It’s true, and as I’m writing this, Piers Morgan was about to interview the parents of the child, but was interrupted by a news conference w/ the Colorado governor.  I CANNOT wait to hear what these parents have to say.  Yes it would have been tragic had the child perished.  Yes it’s always necessary in efforts to over-sensationalize the news to talk about “71 people were injured…including a 3 month old baby”.  I get it.  All life is precious, but why (as of now) has NO ONE brought up the question,

“What the fuck were you doing @ a midnight movie with your newborn child?”

First off, who brings a newborn to a movie (regardless of the time of day in which the showing takes place)?  Second, if you can get past the first question, AGAIN, why would you bring a newborn to a midnight show?  The answer is clear, you’re a trashy-ass couple and have no clue on how to raise a child.  I’m anxious to see how they reply to questions and if Piers (or any future interviewers) bring up this valid point.  And NOW, just a moment ago, I found out that the same couple had a SECOND child w/ them in theatre.  A bit older, but still.  I’m glad that the complete family made it out, but I want to know what the hell they were thinking.  Absolute tragedy aside, what a RIDICULOUS sense of entitlement by today’s citizens.  I’m gonna bring a newborn into a theatre @ midnight.  Chances of child crying and interrupting everyone else?  99% maybe?  Lord.  And let me again say that I’m angered and saddened by this entire event.  But if this clearly idiotic couple had exhibited some common sense (perhaps hired a babysitter—how novel) they could have avoided putting their children in danger.

Added Saturday:  We saw a response from the couple on why they took their children to this midnight showing.  All of it was utter crap.  They just moved there, so have no family (then hire a baby-sitter), they LOVE Batman (then rent it when it comes to NetFlix in three months) they've taken their children to movies before (then you, as well as the theatre owners should have to take some classes in common sense, "it was a family movie".  OH.  MY.  GOD.  NOT. A.  FAMILY.  FILM.  This comment just about made me throw the television, set up some booby traps in my hotel....wait, too soon?  You get my point, I was ANGRY.  Idiots.  Idiots.  Idiots.

In other vacation news…the entire point of this break was to enjoy some total sloth and brain shutdown.  We’ve gotten that. And in spades.  We’ve been sleeping like 10 hours a night, enjoying frequent naps.  Some poolside time.  Each of us had massages and facials...and we ate like kings.  Tons of food.  And all of this was free.  Okay, we paid for gas and gambled a bit.  Other than that, this trip was free.  And it was just what I wanted.  We didn't think about work, about pending projects (and yes, I DID take my laptop w/ me, in the hope that I might do some work on my latest writing project--didn't happen), about the outside world (until yesterday's news), about responsibilities or that big lump growing on my lower back (just kidding--but you get the point).  

We did have a hoot of a time watching the Romney Tax Return nonsense unfold.  We don't have cable @ home, so it was a nice thing to have all of the news outlets @ our fingertips.

I feel rejuvenated.  I feel relaxed.  I feel grateful that I could get away for what seemed like a heck of a lot longer than 4 nights/5 days.  

Tomorrow it's back to the grind.  And, our photo shoot is less than  2 months away.  Gotta get to work!

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