Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Social Coma

Of course the term "social coma" came from a film.  Let's face it, any and all thoughts I have somehow are related to a television program or a film.  I'm sure I've mentioned before that the other half and I have our own "film" language.

It's WEIRD SCIENCE.  I'm frankly shocked that I found this clip online.  And, for good measure, there's plenty of the lovely "Lisa" (Kelly LeBrock) in the clip.  Need I remind you that I met her a couple of short weeks ago?  Yeah, so there's that.

Anyway, to the real reason for this blog.  I'm preparing to enter a social coma of sorts.  I have yet to discuss with my own brain what this will entail, but it's just a baby idea @ this point.

The brainstorms thus far include: an undetermined hiatus from Facebook.  Of course, with the current campaign on Indiegogo (and the need to spread the word of our madness on FB), it would be stupid of me to leave that network behind right now.  I've grown tired of FB.  It's not just the fact that I waste STUPID amounts of time there (it's truly an addiction), but I'm just bored with it.  Certainly the beginning of the affair was great...meeting up w/ old friends, entertaining anecdotes about pets, kids and subway experiences.  It's all good.  But I'm tired of it.  I miss my beloved klugulablog (that's right here!) and the way I used to abuse it by over-using it.  It never seemed as much of a TMI situation as FB.  I would really sit down and write about big events, not how my bowel movement had corn, or how that really big zit on my back was giving me zombie nightmares, or how I took a deep breath at 11:46am today.  Ugh.

My second big piece of this self-inflicted "social coma".  I'm not going to make much effort to socialize w/ friends anymore (at least for awhile).  I'm gonna make a test of it.  Who will contact me?  Who wants to hang w/ me?  Who will make the effort if I don't?  It's not that I don't love hanging w/ friends, I'm just tired of the cat-n-mouse situations.  No one ever has time.  I do.  I don't have much of a social life outside of the other half.  It feels to me (and it could just be my own mental problems), that I'm the instigator for social situations.  How many damn times have I said, "yeah, we gotta hang!", only to be met w/ that reply, "yeah, we DO gotta hang!".  Enough.  You wanna contact me, via email, phone or face-to-face get-together?  I'm in. But you won't be hearing from me.  When you're good and ready and need a Klug-fix, I'm here.

Is this harsh?  Maybe, but I don't feel like expelling any more energy for folks that don't really and truly want to socialize and I don't want to waste any more finger-flashes across my keyboard for the likes of Facebook.  I need that energy to type up the brilliant characters and fancy-schmancy dialogue on the 800 or so script and writing projects currently in the works...which continually get passed over so I can spend "quality" time w/ my friends on Facebook.  No more.

If you need to find me (and still want to), beginning once our campaign for THE 53 ZOMBIE MOODS: A BOOK FOR YOUR COFFEE TABLE ends, you can leave a note on my website ( or send a good old-fashioned email to the address I've had since I began this online

And of course, it's not lost on me that I'm posting a link to this on Facebook.

Social coma--takes effect in a matter of weeks.  Later, y'all!

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a little bit 'bout klugula...

My photo
Hollywood, California, United States
I like zombies...A LOT.

Oh dear Lord! It's the klugulablog archives!