Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Work Pet Peeve # 8926

If you are going to take a message, just write it down from the get-go. This is how it plays out.

Me: "May I leave a message for so-and-so?"
Bimbo: "Yes."
Me: "This is (my name here) with (my company name here). My phone # is--"
Bimbo: "Oh, my pen just ran out."

C'mon. As many times as I hear that in a day, you would think there should be a major Papermate/Bic boycott, sweeping the world. Let's be honest. You were never writing it down to begin with, and your flimsy, ridiculous excuse for not taking the notes, when clearly a phone # is to follow, is that your pen just ran out. Just this moment? Right now? Right as you are taking a message, not when you are taking notes on that special porn video you are about to order online from some questionable pervert? As I said in a previous blog; if you are going to lie, then please be good at it.

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