Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Monday, June 13, 2005

The Gods (or at least the bosses) Have Smiled Upon Me

I was not given the two days I requested, to attend the premiere of Land of the Dead in Pittsburgh. However, my boss was kind enough to offer me half a day on the Wednesday of the showing. So, I must fly out to Pittsburgh @ 1pm, and fly back home @ 6am Thursday in order to be to work Thursday morning. On top of that, my friend who was going to rent a car w/ me and go to the showing also, would not be able to accommodate this flying arrangement, so she is a no go. However, the other half has put in a request to attend with me, since it is now only 1/2 day and not 2 full days of time off. No reply as of yet. I have already ordered my premiere ticket, and I will be seated in the orchestra section, hopefully w/ many of Romero's buddies, and of course Romero himself. If the other half cannot go, I am fully prepared to make the journey alone. Whether or not I get time to schmooze, remains to be seen. But, the experience of seeing a Romero film on the big screen (my first) and before the rest of the country gets to see it, and with Romero and company, and in (what I believe to be) an old time movie house, will be well worth it! I have confirmed that this is not a black tie affair, so that will mean one less stop this week to rent a tux. But, I will have to go out and purchase a special outfit for this special event. The after party should be interesting, if probably overcrowded. What I am most excited about, is the fact that perhaps I will get to chat/rub shoulders w/ the folks I have wanted to meet for so long, or better yet, again meet some of the folks I was lucky to have met last year. Good times, on the red carpet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh you lucky lucky fool. you lucky lucky lucky fool. i wish i could go, that's all i really have to say. glad you enjoyed that trailer...i wasn't sure if it was the same one or not.

a little bit 'bout klugula...

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Hollywood, California, United States
I like zombies...A LOT.

Oh dear Lord! It's the klugulablog archives!