Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Am I Being Crusty?

Let me set the stage for this story. On the way home from Indianapolis yesterday, I got the bright idea that I should use my down time (unemployment has some benefits) to take a trip back to my home land; South Dakota. It has been many years (3 I believe) since I was in the presence of my family, and it seems now would be ideal. However, with oodles of time, comes oodles of empty wallets. I suggested to the other half that I could rent a car, stay with family, for a total trip of maybe two weeks; perhaps less, perhaps more. Who knows? Well, I called my mother with this idea and she seemed interested, although not as enthusiastic as I would have hoped. Admittedly, this trip is not only for them (where I would appreciate a little excitement) but also for my own well-being. I mentioned that I would like to start pandering for donations on the "Welcome me home trip". It sounded like my mother found that cute and said she would ask my younger brother for some assistance in that area as well. I also called my older brother and sister-in-law last night. I got a call today from sister-in-law, and her enthusiasm levels left something to be desired. I also mentioned my donations idea, and she seemed less than taken with it. She suggested I call my brother, who was home today with the flu. I did so. Of course, he is ill, so I will chalk some of his barren responses up to that. In addition, they all know that in 4 days, the other half and I will be heading off to Puerto Rico for 10 days. I had mentioned previously that most of this was paid for before I was canned from my job, but that apparently held no importance. I asked the older brother if I could stay with them, and he mentioned that it would be crowded, but that it was nothing new to them. He made no move to reply to my "Welcome me home trip" donation fund. I would have had no problem if he would have said, "No, are you insane, you greedy pig", or something else in that vein. But there was nothing. It seems as if eggshells are the common ground that I tread upon with certain members of my family. I can recall a time that these people would have been honest with me about such things. It seems that those days are long gone, along with senses of humor. Now I am left with the decision to pursue this possibly ill-fated trip, or say "fuck you all" and not bother with these humorless curmudgeons on anything more than the visible surface. Was I crusty? It seems that my idea was a good one. Help me out and you will get to spend time with me, after a 3 year absence. If it was not a good idea, then for Godssake, call me on it. Is that so much to ask. I recall and revel in those past days of honest family communication, through laughter and sarcasm. Now, watch where you step or what you say, cuz just like the rest of America, your family is offended by everything, but unwilling to say so. Let's let it stew. Sure, that's healthy. I'm saying "no" to more bullshit. Enough's enough.

1 comment:

klugula said...

Let me just add...I don't think it's any major "gift" for me to return home, like they should bow down and take time from their lives to get me there. It just seems like, if you cared, you might find this a bit more exciting. If you don't care, then say so, and we can spare alot of b.s.

a little bit 'bout klugula...

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