Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Eff Yoo

On our excursion through downtown Chicago, we were on our usual lookout for loose change on the ground. I have yet to post on my "Lucky" jar, but eventually, it will be explained and illustrated. Well, I found a penny on the sidewalk, and a few feet later, a man with his cup, looking for money/change. As I approached him with my new found "lucky" penny, he turned his cup upside down, and said something with the "eff" word included. I then retaliated with "Eff Yoo, you old bastard!". Perhaps a bit harsh, but that's what came out. I was angry. What an ass! I don't know if he saw me pick up the penny, and didn't think it was good enough? I had no other money on my person. We stopped at a store, and I began to think, perhaps he wasn't begging for money, and I felt bad. Well, on our way back, there he was, accepting change from other passers-by. What an ingrate! Well, for all of those money-less folk reading this; (Okay, bad joke) don't expect me to give out any change, cuz apparently, it's not appreciated anyway. In my book, a penny's a penny. I save and appreciate mine! I was truly taken aback!

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a little bit 'bout klugula...

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Hollywood, California, United States
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