Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Friday, February 10, 2006

What a Meal!

The other half made me a true Puerto Rican meal this evening. His second in a week, and those are the first in almost 7 years. It was worth the wait. We had alot of Puerto Rican food two years ago on the island, and again a few weeks ago for our second trip there. Well, his meal gave those various restaurants a run for their money. Filling, tasty, juicy, tender, and with a dash of love (sorry, that was vomit-inducing). I was quite impressed. He's done some other tasty non-Puerto Rican dishes, but tonight's offering was his tops indeed! Thanks boy!

Tonight's menu-
Skirt steak, marinated with Puerto Rican spices and seasonings (whatever they are; it's a mystery) and topped with grilled onions.
White rice with beans (arroz y habichuelas) with Puerto Rican seasonings; onions and garlic.

It's heartburn city tonight folks, but I could care less.

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