Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Monday, May 22, 2006

I Sure Do Like Spongebob!

I just happen to be watching him right now. It has nothing to do w/ this entry or what I'm about to write. Sure caught your attention though right? Who doesn't love Spongebob? Yeah.

I ended up not taking that temp gig. After I crunched the numbers, gas and all, it didn't seem feasible or sensible. To the agency's credit, they did go back to the client to see if they could pay a bit more. No go, so I was a no show. I decided to email all of my Chicago friends and see if there were any job leads. Time's tickin' away. Several folks replied; among them friend Sarah. She put me in touch w/ her recruiter at a downtown temp/placement agency. I had an interview today and it looks good that they'll be able to find something...and quick. I already have a possibility for a call center type job. Doesn't sound super difficult and it will pay (hopefully) above what I need to pay the bills and get ahead. Lovely.

The shows over the weekend went well. Our house sizes left a lot to be desired. This is the first time that I've worked w/ the Griffin that I actually feel a bit...disappointed? upset? cheated? by the lack of customers. The highest head count was on Friday night; probably about 20? The show's high quality and we are up there working our butts off; for very few folks. This seems common in many of the Griffin shows I've done, but this time out, it's irritating me. I actually feel a bit demeaned. The weekend's goods? Stage manager Jennie had us over for pizza in between the two Saturday shows. Thanks Jennie! And we all saw "goat lady". Apparently, she'll be attending our show in a few weeks. We did not get Jeff recommended, as we are considered a children's show. Blast!

The other half and I watched Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit last night. Charming, marvelous, hilarious and completely what I needed to soothe my frame of mind. The bunnies were soooo cute and I've decided to name my dog (once I get one) Gromit. The sidekick dog of the lead bad guy (voiced by Ralph Fiennes; can't remember the character name) was named Phillip. His choice of "coin purses" was an absolute hoot! See this, see this, see this! There are several bits that only the adults will get. Kind of makes me think of Sleeping Ugly. Oh, I'm sorry. Allow me to explain. It's the show I'm in that no one's seen! But I'm not bitter!

Griffin directing guru; Jon (up for some Jeff's this year) asked me to go to the initial reading of their fall show. I said yes. I'm assuming I'll be asked to read several small roles; which is fine. I have been craving an actual "role" to play. I guess I should be auditioning more, but hey, I'm a lazy fat-ass! Don't get me wrong, I love shows where I have costume changes and play many different crazy characters, but I would like to develop one character for one show. A nice change of pace.

My stomach hurts. I think I'm hungry.

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Hollywood, California, United States
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