Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Long Overdue

I haven't updated on so many things as of late.

The job is fine. Still no confirmation on an actual hire date; although it is pretty much confirmed that I WILL be hired. Two of the former office workers (they still come in for odds and ends)have confirmed how amazing I am, and how great it is to have me in the office. My two bosses also seem pleased w/ my performance, but are a bit less gushing about my office prowess.

The other half and I went to the opening ceremonies of the Gay Games; about a week and a half ago. It was our part of the "war effort", and we are now confirmed "members" for the next 4 years. Our renewal cards are in the mail. It was kind of fun and kind of annoying to be around that many gay folks at once. The extra long bus ride down to Soldier Field (home of the Chicago Bears--teehee!) was a bit painful, as we were assaulted by a gaggle of deaf gays. Was it the fact that their equilibrium was off, is that why they kept falling into us at every abrupt stop? They didn't truly assault us, but it was kind of interesting to see how a gay man would flame via sign language. Among the highlights of the 4 hour ceremonies; Jody Watley performed. She looked and sounded absolutely fantastic. Andy Bell of Erasure did two numbers. He was great, but his back up ladies proved a bit grating. There was some cheese, and some cliche gay/AIDS moments, but it was still a very good, felt-good-to-be-supportive few hours. George Takei was there. His "meh" speech was followed by a woman (can't remember her name; I'm a dork) whose speech/performance was all about the horrible tiptoeing that is going on in all aspects of political correctness and community relationships in our world. She basically said that "we've come a long way baby" as far as civil rights for gays and other minorities, is a farce. I wish I could have recorded her speech to post here, cuz it was truly an amazing (and the best) part of the evening. I was mezmerized. There were fireworks, boring speeches from Gay Games officials, and a fun mini-speech by Megan Mullally. She looked fabulous, but was a bit more conservative w/ her cleavage offerings. Huh...Many of the other musical #s were fine, but nothing amazing. A really hot guy was at the center of several dance #s. What else? Oh, the parade of nations/states. The other half was thrilled to have a contingent of Puerto Ricans among the 65+ countries represented. I was disappointed, but certainly not shocked to find no team members from either of the Dakotas. I was actually pretty bummed and caught my breath when I heard them announce...South...(breath held)...Carolina. Shucks! Christ, even Iowa and Missouri and Nebraska (and one brave soul from Wyoming) had some gay representation there. Stupid South Dakota. Oh, wait, we don't have them there. How could I be so silly. Also, there was one guy from Uganda (I believe) who carried what looked to be a homemade flag. He was the clear crowd favorite. Finally, I think, was Margaret Cho. She was fabulous, although her set was quite short. I now can understand the big deal w/ her. We had to walk what seemed miles to find a cab home that night. I felt good to go; considering I didn't want to be obligated to any event that particular weekend. The other half convinced me, and I'm glad he did. We did something completely gay. I can hold off now for another several years. Enough queens for me.

I was given this last Friday off; as both of my bosses were out of town (one was married on Saturday). I was thrilled to have a three day weekend, but it was not to be. Thursday night, I went to bed w/ the beginnings of a sore throat (what is this, a joke?). I slept shitty, and it turned out to be a great thing that I was given the day off. I would not have gone in. I was miserable for the next three days. I went to the doctor on Saturday, cuz I was certain it was my yearly painful, bloody battle w/ strep. Surprisingly, the test was negative, and I am right now, feeling much better. The remnants of the mucus and pain is on its way out as we speak (hack!). I never remember until I get sick again, how much illness knocks you on your ass. All I did over the weekend was watch TV and sleep, while the other half went out and had fun w/ friends; all over town. Damn you! Even now, I'm CRAVING some super-long sets of sleepy time. I guess this means that I still have to get my strep sometime before December. The doctor said that this may be the year I skip. I think I'll take that route. Thanks Doc!

I'm getting so itchy (apparently my word of the past week) to hear about the quarter-finalists for my first screenplay contest. C'mon, already!

We watched Last Holiday about a week ago. Great, inspiring and lovely. Queen Latifah was fabulous and I will be shortly adding LL Cool J to my stew of sin. I like him normally (and in his rap persona), but I find him completely appetizing when he plays a character such as he did in Last Holiday. He was wonderful, sweet and I would so not have waited as long as Latifah's character did. Duh, what do you need lightning to strike you? The film had a strong (if cliched) message; live life to its fullest each and every day; Carpe Diem, etc, but it was still very uplifting. How can I bring that feeling of inspiration to my own life once a movie like this has ended? The eternal question.

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