Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

"Amy Want Green-Drop Drink"

Okay, so Congo the movie was far from superior. The book, however, was a great read. The only reason I'm bringing this all up; is cuz my precious Amy has been re-discovered and is currently sitting at my side. As some of you (my avid readers of 0) know, we emptied our off-site storage unit a couple of months ago, had a successful garage sale, and downsized our material items by about 50%. Well, we had many, many crates and bags full of stuffed animals "on vacation". That's what the other half and I call it when we put our stuffed toys into storage. It keeps the guilt levels to a minimum, and makes us believe that the animals we send away are having a great time socializing and sharing stories w/ the other folks they lounge around with...under cover of plastic bags or resin crate tops. Well, when we started our search and eventual repacking of our stuffed toys for the pending move, I found my baby Amy. She's a little stuffed black ape I purchased after I saw Congo. There was an official "Amy" released by the studio, but I didn't think she looked as much like the character in the I found the "studio Amy" after I'd found my girl. I didn't love the movie, but I ADORED Amy and her never-ending requests for "green-drop drink". Most of our animals are "on vacation" right now, but we kept a couple of our friends out; to cuddle w/ us in bed. Yes, I have mentioned before that I still love and sleep w/ my stuffed toys. Amy's here now, watching me type away. I'm sure she appreciates this little tribute to her existence. I'm a major dork and I don't care. Take that world. I'm off (that would be my diagnosis) to provide cuddles and love to squeezable Amy.

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Hollywood, California, United States
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