Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Thursday, November 08, 2007


Today was my first official day @ work; on the floor and interacting w/ the general public. Customers. Strangely enough, I had an absolute blast! My feet are killing me. How long has it been since I've been on my feet for 5 hours straight? A long time, I can tell you. I felt right at if I belong in retail. Apparently, that's the case. I was completing transactions on my own...helping customers on my own (as much as I could), and I think I did extremely well today. I won't put out any expectations about where this will lead; as I don't want to jinx it. I had fun, fun, fun. We'll see how it goes when I work a weekend, or when the holiday shopping rush really heats up. Will I be so positive then? Hmmm.

1 comment:

Always Around Kids said...

So cool that you're at Restoration Hardware... We've got the Taylor dining dining table with Windsor chairs, and the Taylor hutch and sideboard. We've also got the Marston HDTV console, coffee table, and side table. Love, love, love RH! It's great that you picked GOOD retail!

a little bit 'bout klugula...

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Hollywood, California, United States
I like zombies...A LOT.

Oh dear Lord! It's the klugulablog archives!