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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Concerns about the Living Dead #31

We've returned.

I'm a bit; if not a great deal, disappointed.

Lots to get out of my system; so hold onto your drawers.

First off, this contained some very high school, amateurish acting from the lead cast. The majority of supporting actors were fine; but this slight perk could not overcome the very poor performances filling out the top roster. Perhaps it was this lack of good that led to my second complaint. I didn't care one iota for any of the characters. On top of this, there was some very cliche, over-the-top dialogue. In the hands of better actors, I think it could have gone by unnoticed. didn't. All the talk about "having to keep filming because it felt safer and less real"; was a bit much. I didn't buy it in The Blair Witch Project; and I certainly didn't buy it here. Although I did like the use of security camera footage...nifty.

The fact that I was hearing nothing but good about this one; has me baffled. Did we all see the same film? I much prefer Land of the Dead to this. Most others would have my head for such a comment, but it's true. There was top notch acting going on in Land of the Dead (Dennis Hopper, Simon Baker, John Leguizamo), and at least a couple of characters that were sympathetic; and whom we could root for (remember Charlie or even Big Daddy?)

Also, Romero's jabs at American society/politics, etc. are usually somewhat subtle; and certainly entertaining. Here, his thoughts on blogging, low-cost camera equipment available to the masses and how anyone can get a following to their own personal beliefs via this cheap media; are very heavy-handed and frankly, a bit irritating. On this same token, I didn't care for the preachy narration by the lead actress.

On the good side of things, the gore and makeup effects are top of the line. Juicy and fabulously grisly. There are also Romero's bits of humor that are always particular attention to our good friend Samuel; the Amish farmer...easily the best part of the film. And, of course, there are some good "boo" moments. Unfortunately, there's not the general (and immensely appealing) sense of dread that accompany his other zombie epics (to a lesser extent in Land of the Dead). A few other genuinely good moments deserve mention, but I don't want to spoil them. Let's just say that they have to do w/ a brilliant line in the final moments; and a pool.

I've come to the conclusion that I can never find my way back to the absolute terror I've felt from his other zombie films. It has to do w/ the age at which I saw them. Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead still can be terrifying to me; even though I've seen them countless times. It's my memories of these films that keep them so high in my mind. Perhaps I'm just to jaded at my old age. Then again, if a film works, it works; regardless of where I am in my own life. The remake of Dawn of the Dead is a good example. I was scared near to tears by that film's version of the zombie apocalypse; and that's only four years old. So, what is it?

I think that Romero's idea here is admirable; and quite a technical achievement; and I love that he returned to his independent roots. However, I think I prefer seeing a larger scale societal breakdown. Then again, Night of the Living Dead was as intimate a setting as there could be; and it worked on every level. Diary of the Dead is just as intimate (small cast; enclosed, claustrophobic locations); yet somehow it fails.

The other half asked a very interesting question. If this hadn't been a Romero film; would my opinion of it have changed? My answer was a "yes" w/ very little hesitation. As is, I would give this a C- grade. If Romero had not been involved; and I weren't able to see his stamp on it, it might be much lower.

I tried very hard to love this film; but I just couldn't. And believe me, no one feels worse about this than I do. In the end, it was the poor acting; combined w/ a lack of love for the characters that left this one down in the dumps. I hate to say it, but here goes...this is one diary better left unread.

BTW, the other half got a tinge of motion sickness from this one. We have yet to see Cloverfield. Based on his response to this one, we may have to skip the big monster movie (if we haven't missed it already). Alas.

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