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an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Be Still My Heart

What groundbreaking, unheard of news. Yeah, Clay Aiken is gay. The only thing this does for me is fill me with happiness that Kathy Griffin has plenty of material for future standup. I believe everyone should move at their own pace when dealing w/ their sexuality. However, I'm in a really pissy mood, and this story just irritates me. One, that he wasn't strong enough to do this earlier, and that he denied he was gay. Two, that we should care; since everyone in the UNIVERSE already knew. I'm just so shocked. Wow. I can't believe it. How will I go about my day tomorrow, now knowing this incredible news. Who cares. In other, less irritable times, I might have praised his move, cuz yes, it is hard to do...I'm sure moreso in the public spotlight. But, today's not that day. Sorry Clay. Here's a link w/ info.

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