Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Monday, July 04, 2011

Left Below

We’re without internet…sure, we can get to the main pages, but anything beyond is…well, beyond us. We need a new modem, you see. Without that, our favorite pastime of surfing the interwebs is out of reach. I’m feeling the itching pangs of withdrawal.

However, I couldn’t go long w/out making note of the past several days, and what’s coming up in the next many days. Old age is setting in, and memories aren’t called up as quickly as they used to be—so I must document NOW! It’s my birthday this month…meaning I’m another year older. WTF?

Saturday was a real treat. Friends Nate and Justin had a party--celebrating Justin’s week-old birthday--and inviting friends over for a mini-film festival. Bring something along w/ you that you’ve written, acted in, directed, etc…something in the 7-minute range. I brought over my “director’s cut” of READY TO GO (my second short film—after FRENCH TOAST). It is unfinished, with a final soundtrack being the only thing standing between me and “completion”. It was well received, at least I was told so…and there didn’t seem to be any yawning, whispering, farting or belching…and no cell phone chatter, so I guess I should take that as a compliment. And there were several other filmmakers there w/ some very accomplished works. High production values and the like. Some very impressive stuff. I don’t feel as though my project was out of place (and we know how hard I am on my own stuff usually). Felt good, and hopefully gave me some inspiration to get the piece completed and out there. We’ll see.

Other project news. It’s the eve of the quarterfinalist announcements for the JUST EFFING ENTERTAIN ME screenwriting contest. I’ve entered ME & SIMON BAKER into said contest, and I’m more than a little anxious to find out some results. I have no idea what to expect…if anything. I’m very happy w/ my piece and I think I’ve streamlined it to within an inch of its life—meaning I could do another 10 drafts to get it even better. There’s never a finish line on such things…unless the film is actually shot, edited and released. Even then, people like George Lucas have shown by example that a completed film means nothing. It can just go on forever. What’s the saying? “A film is never finished, it’s just abandoned.” The same could be said for scripts as well, I suppose.

I, of course, would love to place, win some loot and prizes and have some life-changing meetings w/ some folks who could further this “career” I’ve taken to pursuing. (Incidentally, how long before I stop referring to it as “career” and just talk about it like it was the real thing?—certainly that could be something that’s holding me back…not thinking of myself as a real writer). I would be more than thrilled to place in this first cut—and if I go on, SUPER…if not—well, it’s an ego boost my writing skills and my neurotic mind—could certainly stand. No doubt about it. That’s what I’ve been telling folks. A first cut could do wonders for my work. Acknowledgement, vindication…PROOF that what I’m doing is communicating w/ others—actually AFFECTING strangers. While I love to do it, and perhaps HAVE to do it…it’s nice to know that it could be appreciated in circles outside of my mother (if she cared to read anything I’d written from the past 15 years) and inside my own insane brain.

Spent the afternoon and early evening w/ the Brownlee’s on a beach north of Malibu on Sunday. Since I’m without computer access, I don’t recall the name of the beach…Leo Carillo something-or-other. But it was pretty awesome. Tide pools w/ critters galore. It was a wonderful escape from EVERYTHING, and on the way home, we entertained each other by singing choir songs, 80’s TV theme songs and Christmas carols. All in all, a pretty awesome getaway.

Speaking of getaways, we have a couple of trips planned in the next few weeks. For my birthday (remember that getting old thing?) we’re taking a nice long weekend to Vegas. 10 days after that, we are off to Puerto Rico for almost 2 weeks. Truly I NEED these vacations. I think the last really substantial break we had, was our trip to South Dakota in the summer of 2007. If you’ll recall, we went back home for a week of fun, stayed 2 extra weeks when my pops passed away (speaking of which, Wednesday is the “anniversary” of that date—this reminds me of a line in the Simon Baker script, referencing a tragic event as an “anniversary”…one character replies that he “doesn’t understand why ‘anniversary’—like there’s something to celebrate”. But I digress… Of course, this means that in the next 3 weeks, I have TWO 8-day stretches @ work. Gonna be tough. It appears as though I’ll be REALLY earning these vacations.

And on to the topic of work… Had quite a few run-ins w/ disgruntled customers (which will be discussed in a separate blog—too much for this regular update) and another meet-n-greet w/ Ms. Angie Dickinson. We chatted for a while and I brought up DRESSED TO KILL (we own it, but have never seen it). Bottom line is that she told me I should see it and GAVE ME HER PHONE # to call her upon completion, so that I could tell her what I thought—insisting that I be honest. We watched the flick that very night, and I called her afterward, receiving her voice mail. Just said that we really enjoyed it (which we did—the more I think about it, the more I like it—but I generally enjoy De Palma’s style anyway), and that I would love her to call back to talk about it. Yes. Angie Dickinson’s phone #. She’s a great dame, and I consider it an honor that she wants to chat about movies w/ me. What a treat!

Chris and Ami have left us. I am still having mixed emotions over the whole thing. That’s not true. It’s not mixed at all. I’m BUMMED. I wish them well, but it still doesn’t seem real that they’re just not here anymore. We certainly had our long intermissions between meet-ups while they were still in LA, so I think that’s what it feels like right now, but I wonder what it’ll be like when it TRULY dawns on me. I miss them already. 

But moving back to the future. The quarter-finalist announcements (GODSPEED Baker script!), and on top of that…I will be having an afternoon w/ one of my oldest and dearest friends. I’ve known her since I was about 8 years old, Kathy T. Will meet her husband tomorrow when they make their way from their family vacation near San Diego to the bright lights of Hollywood. We chatted while making our plans, and I couldn’t recall how long it had been since we actually saw one another. I’m estimating about 18 years or so. Anxious and excited to catch up!

That’s all for now. Not bad for having no internet. Later, y’all.

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